City Nature Challenge 2017 RESULTS!

This year's City Nature Challenge was AMAZING! 16 cities across the country, all mobilizing their residents and visitors to go out and find and document their local nature. The energy and enthusiasm for the City Nature Challenge was truly inspiring - watching observations flow in from across the US was great to see. Our collective impact was obvious and incredible - we also gave iNaturalist its biggest 5 days in a row EVER!

Here are the results of the City Nature Challenge (as of 9 am Pacific / 12 pm Eastern on April 22):
All 16 cities together: 124,092 observations / 8557 species / 4051 participants
We also added 3077 new species that had not previously been recorded on iNaturalist in these 16 cities, and 5689 new iNaturalist observers who had not previously made observations in these 16 cities!

City with the most observations: Dallas/Fort Worth with 23,957
City with the most species found: Houston with 2419
City with the most participants: Los Angeles with 1034 (also includes people who submitted via social media)
The San Francisco Bay Area was in the top three for all of these stats (the only city to be in the top three for all of them!) - great work everyone! We were second in observations with 23,024, third in species with 2313, and second in participants with 651.

Here's the full breakdown of those three metrics:

City with highest percentage of verifiable observations: Dallas/Fort Worth with 96.3%
City with highest percentage of verifiable observations making it to Research Grade: Chicago with 64.4%
The San Francisco Bay Area had 91% for verifiable observations (7th place overall) and 54.4% of those observations made it to research grade, putting us in second place for that category - thanks to all of our ID-ers!

City that added the most new species to their region through the City Nature Challenge: Houston with 594 new species
City that added the most new iNaturalist participants to their region through the City Nature Challenge: Los Angeles with 436 new observers
Here in the Bay Area, we added 134 new species to the region, which is amazing for an area that was already so-well documented on iNaturalist! We also added 228 new observers to our region as well - welcome!

Thanks so much to our top observers (@wbsimey, @dpom, @hfabian, @rebeccafay, and @sea-kangaroo) and species-finders (@dpom, @hfabian, @kestrel, @sea-kangaroo, and @mrchasse), listed above in the event stats - thanks for all the amazing time and energy you put into getting out there and documenting! We'd also like to recognize the top 5 people who added unique taxa to the Bay Area during the City Nature Challenge - taxa that were not found by anyone else:
@bhill with 53 unique taxon contributions
@damontighe with 50 unique taxon contributions
@kueda with 47 unique taxon contributions
@mrchasse with 42 unique taxon contributions
@kestrel with 40 unique taxon contributions

If you want to find out more about the results or have questions, add them in the comments and we'll do our best to answer you.

Thanks again to everyone who participated in the City Nature Challenge in the San Francisco Bay Area this year! And stay tuned for next year, when the City Nature Challenge goes INTERNATIONAL!!!

הועלה ב-אפריל 22, 2017 06:02 אחה"צ על ידי kestrel kestrel


Thank you for organizing this - it was a spectacular event!

פורסם על-ידי gyrrlfalcon לפני יותר מ 7 שנים

International!?!?!?! Wow. That is going to be a thing to see.

פורסם על-ידי vermfly לפני יותר מ 7 שנים

Does verifiable mean with photo and not cultivated or captive?

פורסם על-ידי edoswalt לפני יותר מ 7 שנים

@edoswalt Yes, verifiable means it's eligible for research grade, which means there's evidence of the organism (photo or sound), all the other pertinent info is there (date, location), and it's not captive or cultivated.

פורסם על-ידי kestrel לפני יותר מ 7 שנים

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