
POWO treats these two taxa under the accepted name Pappostipa speciosa (Trin. & Rupr.) Romasch. The variety (which includes no observations) is wrapped into the species. @coreyjlange, @grnleaf, @silversea_starsong, any comments or objections?

פורסם על-ידי stevejones לפני יותר מ 5 שנים

I'm curious whether there is any citation for why the variety would be made obsolete, or if this is just an oversight/lack of detailed information on POWO's part. We should be sure before dismantling divided levels within species, even if no one would use it.

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני יותר מ 5 שנים

It could be an oversight on the part of Kew. Jepson lists it under the current iNaturalist name, Stipa speciosa. ITIS recognizes two forms and 6 varieties beyond the nominative species. FNA treats it as Jarava speciosa without subspecific taxa (FNA Grass Manual not online at present - had to buy the Adobe Digital Edition some time ago). USDA lists it under Achnatherum speciosum without subspecific taxa. GBIF agrees with POWO based on this primary source. So the authorities are in conflict. I only set up the draft taxon merger to make it conform to POWO. No reason to commit it beyond that. As always, thank goodness for synonymy.

פורסם על-ידי stevejones לפני יותר מ 5 שנים

@stevejones I added var. speciosa to the Merge, since it wouldn't make any sense to leave that there without the other variety.

@silversea_starsong since neither of the varieties have any observations in iNat after 2 years, I don't think it does any harm to sink them in conformance with POWO for now. They can be resurrected if/when POWO or someone else wants to recognize and use them.

Both, this change is being included in a major revision of the Stipeae genera in iNat. See https://www.inaturalist.org/flags/523010 and the spreadsheet linked there for what is in store. The taxon changes currently drafted will probably be committed in a few more days. Steve, do you want the honors on committing this one at the same time?

פורסם על-ידי jdmore לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

D'oh! Thanks, Jim, good catch. Makes no difference to me who commits this - if it's convenient to do it with the others, fire away. That is a remarkable job you did compiling all those changes and addressing others' issues with it!

פורסם על-ידי stevejones לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

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