497.Can we trust iNaturalist in lichenology?

From another forum and another world
iNaturalist is a widely-utilized platform for data collection and sharing among non-professional volunteers and is widely employed in citizen science. This platform's data are also used in scientific studies for a wide range of purposes, including tracking changes in species distribution, monitoring the spread of alien-invasive species, and assessing the impacts of urbanization and land-use change on biodiversity. Lichens, due to their year-round presence on trees, soil and rocks, and their diverse shapes and colours, have captured the attention of iNaturalist users, and lichen records are widely represented on the platform. However, due to the complexity of lichen identification, the use of data collected by untrained, or poorly trained volunteers in scientific investigation poses concerns among lichenologists. To address these concerns, this study assessed the reliability of lichen identification by iNaturalist users by comparing records on the platform with identifications carried out by experts (experienced lichenologists) in three cities where citizen science projects were developed. Results of this study caution against the use of unchecked data obtained from the platform in lichenology, demonstrating substantial inconsistency between results gathered by iNaturalist users and experts.


  • Hoog-pathogene aviaire influenza (HPAI) staat ook wel bekend als vogelgriep. Recent bleken deze virussen zich via wilde vogels in Europa te verspreiden naar Noord- en Zuid-Amerika. Tegelijkertijd zien we massale sterfte in verschillende wilde vogelpopulaties waaronder bedreigde soorten, en zijn we getuige van de grootste wereldwijde HPAI-uitbraak in pluimvee ooit.

    Recent nam ook het aantal meldingen van infecties van wilde zoogdieren toe. Inmiddels gaat het om meer dan 30 soorten. In nertsen en diverse zeezoogdieren was er zelfs sprake van grootschalige overdracht tussen zoogdieren. Deze bevindingen benadrukken dat het virus de mogelijkheid heeft om zich aan te passen aan zoogdieren en overdraagbaar te worden. Gelukkig wordt op dit moment het risico voor mensen nog niet hoog ingeschat.

    Tijdens deze bijeenkomst lichten de sprekers recente ontwikkelingen toe in de HPAI-uitbraken in wilde vogels, pluimvee, mensen en andere zoogdieren, met focus op Nederland. Daarbij staan ze stil bij de interventie-opties die beschikbaar zijn om de gezondheid van dieren en mensen te borgen, en de moeilijkheden rondom deze interventie-opties.

    Het H5N1-vogelgriepvirus heeft inmiddels de sprong gemaakt van vogels en pluimvee naar diverse zoogdieren en heeft zich ook verspreid naar andere delen van de wereld. Wat zijn de laatste ontwikkelingen rond vogelgriep? Welke opties zijn er om de gezondheid van dieren en mensen te borgen, en wat zijn hierbij de risico’s?

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw05RxiAhsQ&list=PLvIjtWk34TjU7PIETZiz2gfj6BTeLVWg8

  • Cary Institute
    'Fallen Trees and Coding Dreams, or Near Real-Time Deforestation Monitoring'.
    The proliferation of satellite imagery has facilitated the analysis of deforestation trends using multi-source time series approaches. This combination of long-term data sources can be crucial for near real-time (NRT) deforestation monitoring in tropical regions with extensive cloud cover. Yet despite recent progress, methods in multi-source, NRT monitoring have experienced issues with trade-offs between accuracy and latency, the lack of external spatial data, and general inability to incorporate users into the workflow.

    This talk will discuss McGregor's doctoral research which focused on three main topics: 1) a novel, NRT detection algorithm that was created to explicitly assess multiple spectra of trade-offs; 2) landscape processes that were incorporated into the algorithm using a Bayesian approach; and 3) an expansion of the methodology used to develop a continuously-improving model by integrating input from in-situ users.


  • Hartelijk dank voor uw deelname aan het webinar Vogelgriep bij zoogdieren op donderdag 26 oktober. Wij hopen dat het informatief voor u is geweest.

    Tijdens het webinar zijn er veel vragen gesteld. Binnenkort ontvangt u de antwoorden op de meest gestelde vragen per mail. Voor meer informatie verwijzen we u graag door naar onze website.

    VogelGriep en Zoogdieren

    Via onderstaande knop kunt u het webinar VogelGriep en Zoogdieren terugkijken.

  • d the special Issue of the Journal of Wetland Archaeology. It's co-edited by dr. Tymon de Haas and dr. Mans Schepers.
    🌿 the papers reflect upon need for wetlands to be restored to combat climate change and biodiversity declines.


    Journal of Wetland Archaeology, Volume 22, Issue 1-2 (2022), ‘Between reclamation and restoration: the archaeology, historical ecology and future development of reclaimed wetland landscapes.’

    the editorial can be found here.

    Journal of Wetland Archeology
    Journal of Wetland Archeology
    Comparing Europe and America
    The papers in this special issue explore the archaeology and historical ecology of wetland environments in various parts of Europe and northern America. These environments all have in common that they have been reclaimed at one or multiple moments in their history, and that these reclamations have shaped the subsequent development of the landscape and environment.

    Besides showing the historical depth and variability of wetland reclamation, the papers also reflect upon the need for wetland environments globally to be restored in order to combat two of the key challenges of the Anthropocene – climate change and biodiversity declines.

    This is the contribution by dr.Tymon de Haas and dr. Mans Schepers, in which they compare the diachronic development of two reclaimed wetland landscapes in the Netherlands (de Onlanden in Groningen) and Italy (the Pontine Plain):
    Wetland reclamation has occurred under diverse geographic and socio-political conditions. A single reclamation event however, forms only one step in the evolution of what we refer to as reclamation landscapes. This paper assesses how interacting physical geographical, cultural and biological processes shape the landscape diachronically. Using a triangular model, we compare two wetland landscapes: the Pontine marshes in central Italy, reclaimed as part of Rome’s early Imperial expansion; and the Onlanden area in the northern Netherlands, reclaimed by emergent state societies in the Middle Ages. Reclamation turned out not fully resilient from a cultural perspective in both cases, as physical geographical and biological processes continued to raise challenges in both reclamation landscapes. It is argued that the triangular model offers potential to systematically explore the drivers behind landscape evolution comparatively. A better understanding of such drivers may in turn improve current landscape management policies, including rewilding efforts.

    The Reclamation Landscapes of the Onlanden (Northern Netherlands) and Pontine Marshes (Central Italy): A Short Introduction
    The two reclamation landscapes that are object of study are the Pontine marshes in central Tyrrhenian Italy, and the Onlanden in the northern Netherlands (Figure 2). Both areas are characterized by an extensive and ongoing research history, which includes various types of archaeological, palaeo-environmental, and geological studies. Both these areas specifically serve as examples of well-studied reclamation landscapes and we heavily rely on previously published work by ourselves and others for this paper. For more detailed information, as well as the source data underlying various aspects discussed here, we refer to the original sources.

    The Onlanden are located in the Northern Netherlands, on the border between the provinces of Groningen and Drenthe. The area is divided in a number of sub-regions, largely determined by its reclamation history. In this contribution, we will primarily focus on the area known as the Roderwolderpolder. This relatively low-lying area has a diverse ecological history, but has been ‘wet’ in varying, and relevant, degrees throughout history. The southern part of the area consists primarily of peat soils. These occur in the Northern area as well, but there these have been covered by younger, clay sediments. The hydrological and pedological conditions of the area explain the name Onlanden, which literally translates to ‘bad lands’. No actual settlements developed within the reclaimed area, but villages do occur on higher sandy outcrops around it. The most important of these is the city of Groningen, which over time has expanded significantly and now borders the area. The expansion of the Medieval town of Groningen probably triggered the intensification of the exploitation and reclamation of the Onlanden in the Middle Ages. It has long been known that numerous raised homesteads or small dwelling mounds occur in the area that date back to this period. A major field-work project focusing on the aforementioned Roderwolderpolder was carried out from 2008 to 2011, resulting in an extensive edited volume that is the basis for the present analysis (Nicolay Citation2018a).1This is published in Dutch, but English summaries are provided for all chapters. This project followed the intended transformation of the area from an agricultural area, into an area used simultaneously for (wetland) nature development and water retention.

  • “The increasing volume of insect photo observations shared on iNaturalist and similar sites can no longer be ignored, and entomologists are finding ways to use it. A review in Annals of the Entomological Society of America digs into best practices for bolstering entomological research with this growing body of citizen-science data. Among various findings, the researchers note an over-representation among online photo sharing of butterflies and moths (order Lepidoptera) and of arthropods from the Northern Hemisphere, particularly North America…”
  • הועלה ב-אוקטובר 23, 2023 08:54 אחה"צ על ידי ahospers ahospers


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