Bay Area visit

I'm going to be in the Bay Area starting tomorrow (oops, I should have made this post earlier), with the following days at stake:

Monday 22nd -- arriving around 11am, meeting @robberfly.
Tuesday 23rd -- meeting with @tiwane and @catchang (formerly cicada stuff with @easmeds)
Wednesday 24th -- general catch-up around the West Bay to look for Geraniums

25th-29th -- butterfly bonanza with @robberfly

July 30th -- Returning to the Bay Area from butterfly bonanza early afternoon.
July 31st -- Morning with @merav at Warm sprongs.
August 1st -- ???
August 2nd -- early am tidepool stuff with @kestrel and others, am to pm.
August 3rd -- I have the day spare until I fly out at 7pm.

So if anyone wants to arrange a meetup or some such, let me know. I think most of my wanted plants are crispy beyond identification at this time of year, but there ought to be a lot of other stuff around.

@sea-kangaroo @dpom @gyrrlfalcon @alexis_amphibian @merav @catchang @mazer @leslie_flint @jmaughn @tiwane @kueda @damontighe @anudibranchmom @graysquirrel @dgreenberger
Feel free to add anyone else I forgot.

הועלה ב-יולי 22, 2019 12:25 לפנה"צ על ידי silversea_starsong silversea_starsong


I will have some time on Wednesday the 24th, possibly on the 31st or 1st, too. Stay in touch. Have a great visit!

פורסם על-ידי gyrrlfalcon לפני בערך 5 שנים

I'll be out of town the whole time. I suspect you'll be in good hands, but if you're looking for ideas, Springtown in Livermore might still have some not-entire-crispy alkali seep plants. Dragon-hunting and other creek exploration in the North Bay might still be worth it. Late season weirdos like Lessingia micradenia var. micradenia and Blepharizonia plumosa might be flowering. B. laxa is cool too, easier to find too, and could be combined with gall exploration.

פורסם על-ידי kueda לפני בערך 5 שנים

MidPeninsula Open Space District is hosting a moth night on Saturday, July 27 from 8:30pm to 11:30pm in Monte Bello Preserve. It includes only blacklight sheets, no hiking this time, but still a great opportunity to be out at night. The docents organizing the event are all great entomologists, and there might be some iNat people there as well. Free, but you'll need to RSVP here -

פורסם על-ידי merav לפני בערך 5 שנים

oh, and I'm hosting a BioBlitz that morning, Saturday 7/27, in Coyote Valley, from 9-11. Some iNat people will be there too!
More info and RSVP here -

פורסם על-ידי merav לפני בערך 5 שנים

and one last thing - I'd be happy to join other outings if I'm available (not sure yet about my schedule).
I can also try and organize a visit to Warm Springs - a closed CDFW property with vernal pools. The pools are obviously dry by now, but they also have some rare and endemic plants too, in addition to many cool insects, such as tiger beetle subspecies. Let me know if you're interested!

פורסם על-ידי merav לפני בערך 5 שנים

August 2 - yes! We're meeting at 5:30 am for the awesome -1.2 ft low tide. I'm going to have to convince some folks to help me survey one of our permanent plots (only takes 30 minutes at most!), but that low tide will afford us at least 2+ hours of tidepooling.

פורסם על-ידי kestrel לפני בערך 5 שנים

Hi @merav that sounds fantastic, vernal pools are always good. So are tiger beetles. Definitely interested.

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני בערך 5 שנים

Dangit, I'd love to show you around up here in the north bay but I'm pretty much laid up with an ankle injury.

פורסם על-ידי graysquirrel לפני בערך 5 שנים

I'm around Santa Cruz until August 5th. I'd be happy to show you whatever I can before that.


פורסם על-ידי jmaughn לפני בערך 5 שנים

@robberfly blocked my Tuesday off to take you to Ano Nueva but I only have the Tuesday. Can’t reschedule so let me know if you want to do that or if you decide otherwise.

פורסם על-ידי catchang לפני בערך 5 שנים

@catchang what is Ano Nueva? Not seeing any internet or map results.

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני בערך 5 שנים

Yikes. Autocorrect messed that one up. Año Nuevo State Park (37.1217717, -122.3112879)

@tiwane was thinking of going for SF Garter snake and I want to try for tiger beetles.

פורסם על-ידי catchang לפני בערך 5 שנים

@kestrel Where are you going for the tidepooling adventures?

פורסם על-ידי graysquirrel לפני בערך 5 שנים

@graysquirrel Pillar Point - we've been monitoring there since 2012, and the nudibranch scene is excellent!

פורסם על-ידי kestrel לפני בערך 5 שנים

@dpom wanted to be looped in!

פורסם על-ידי gyrrlfalcon לפני בערך 5 שנים

@silversea_starsong - still available Wednesday/ Thursday., and Friday afternoon? I'm checking the possibility of visiting Warm Springs...

פורסם על-ידי merav לפני בערך 5 שנים

@kueda if you have spots for Blepharizonia plumosa I’d definitely love to track that down. Calflora records seem very patchy.

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני כמעט 5 שנים

Right now there are no plans for Saturday 3rd (morning - afternoon is free).

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני כמעט 5 שנים

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