iNat Anniversary Again - Pescadero Creek County Park, anyone?

So August 13 is my iNaturalist anniversary (6 years of smart, healthy addiction). Come support my habit the day before, SUNDAY AUGUST 12, for a long walk at Pescadero Creek County Park - one of the least-visited open spaces in San Mateo county. And, for evidence, there are fewer than 170 species recorded for the park in all of iNaturalist, and only a scant handful of birds (less than ten). So this figures to be a place where we can have some FUN!

Let's meet at the Hoffman Creek Trailhead at 10:00 AM (TEN in the Morning). Bring snacks or lunch; we can go for dinner at Duarte's or the Mexican place in Pescadero, or somewhere easy in HMB.

Here's the place marker for the park here on iNat -

Love to see any of you who can make it!

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 6, 2018 05:26 לפנה"צ על ידי gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon


Sounds fun- count me in.

פורסם על-ידי catchang לפני כמעט 6 שנים

Love ta...

פורסם על-ידי robberfly לפני כמעט 6 שנים

That sounds like a fantastic time! I will see you there.

פורסם על-ידי rjadams55 לפני כמעט 6 שנים

Augghh, I'm going to be in Oregon. I'll be there in spirit, which might be hard to explain to my parents...

פורסם על-ידי jmaughn לפני כמעט 6 שנים

I'll be in Modoc. Have fun!

פורסם על-ידי kschnei לפני כמעט 6 שנים

Yes, I would love to attend and support your addiction. If I don't get deployed I plan to be there.

פורסם על-ידי bratworst לפני כמעט 6 שנים

Unfortunately this weekend is crazy for me. I would love to get over to the coast sometime soon. I've had enough of the smoke from all these fires to last me forever.

פורסם על-ידי vermfly לפני כמעט 6 שנים

Awww, that's my old backyard, and one of my absolute favorite parks! I lived right next door for 3 years. Unfortunately, I already have tickets to the Giants game that day, and it's a day game, so I'll have to pass - though I would LOVE to join you!

פורסם על-ידי kestrel לפני כמעט 6 שנים

Your post made me take a look at my anniversary date. Sept 25, 2011! If only I had your dedication to entering observations. I'd have a much more impressive total.

פורסם על-ידי vermfly לפני כמעט 6 שנים

unfortunately I'll be in Utah this weekend. Darn! But I'll try to do some iNat damage while I am there in your name.

פורסם על-ידי leslie_flint לפני כמעט 6 שנים
פורסם על-ידי gyrrlfalcon לפני כמעט 6 שנים

Awesome! @mary-nguyen and I will be there!

פורסם על-ידי bluevalhalla לפני כמעט 6 שנים
פורסם על-ידי gyrrlfalcon לפני כמעט 6 שנים
פורסם על-ידי gyrrlfalcon לפני כמעט 6 שנים

I'll be there!

פורסם על-ידי clem לפני כמעט 6 שנים

Great! Excited to see we'll have such a fun party, and sorry for those who can't make it. Remember, this is an obscure corner of the county, and the possibility that my cell phone will have coverage is virtually nil. (You can message me privately if you want my number anyway) So, if you arrive late, simply proceed along the Old Haul Trail. The County Parks have instituted these wonderfully clear numbered trail junction markers; we'll leave notes on those trail markers if I have reason to believe anyone is still attempting to join us, indicating what direction we took! At the moment, I believe that Clem, Ed, Mary, Cat, Liam, Carol and RJ are the group. Also invited @leptonia

פורסם על-ידי gyrrlfalcon לפני כמעט 6 שנים

Have fun! Wish I could be there. I'll try to iNat today. It's been so smokey here (and hot) that I haven't been out much.

פורסם על-ידי leslie_flint לפני כמעט 6 שנים

we had a great day! Missed those of you who had expressed regrets. Here are my sightings -

פורסם על-ידי gyrrlfalcon לפני כמעט 6 שנים

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