14.4% of all species I've photographed in California are introduced species

or, 283 introduced species out of 1963 species total

That's pretty crazy.

Limited to specifically the insects I've photographed in Los Angeles county, that percentage increases to 17% (140 introduced insect species of 819 species total). And if we're talking just naturalized plants, which admittedly I don't spend much time on, that number increases to 27%!

That's quite a large share of non-native species.


הועלה ב-אוקטובר 14, 2017 11:52 אחה"צ על ידי psyllidhipster psyllidhipster


Interesting stats

פורסם על-ידי kimssight לפני בערך 7 שנים

For me it is 11.3%. But, many I expect are not yet flagged as introduced on iNat, especially more obscure ones.

For insects it is 0.8%.(12/1403). So, apparently my complaints about not being able to find any of the common urban species are warranted.

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני בערך 7 שנים

Also Chris, it says you have 49 introduced insects out of 1,191 in California (4.1%). How are you calculating your numbers?

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני בערך 7 שנים

Many of the introduced insects aren't flagged as such on iNat yet, my numbers are from manually adding all of my introduced species (including the ones not currently marked as such) into this project:

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

Interesting, Chris

פורסם על-ידי alazere לפני בערך 7 שנים

I'd go through and add the introduced tag to a bunch of species but I don't think it is possible to do this with the new species page. @kueda?

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני בערך 7 שנים

The only way I know how to do it is through Places, ie choosing a place (California, North America, whatever), clicking the species, and then editing "establishment means". I've done this with a lot of the psyllids and some other Hemipterans but it's a slow process and there are still much more to go, I don't know a faster way

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

A good source for exotics in California in particular is Dowell et. al. (2016) "Exotic Terrestrial Macro-Invertebrate Invaders in California", which lists about 1000 species:
It's mostly current to about 2015, though you can find a few species missing if you try hard enough:

The BugGuide articles for the "List of non-native arthropods in North America" (parts 1 and 2) are also pretty good for North America as a whole, though obviously it lacks for example species that are introduced in California but otherwise native to elsewhere in the US.

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

It's annoying but yes, you need to go to a place check list and change the establishment means. If you can send me a list of species from CA that are known to be introduced I can add them with a script. We should be good for plants, but yeah, insects are super patchy.

פורסם על-ידי kueda לפני בערך 7 שנים

@kueda Give me a day or so and I can get you such a list... is there any particular way it needs to be formatted?

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

Also, is it okay if that list happens to include (1) species that are already marked as introduced and (2) species that may not have pages yet? I assume the first case would be fine and that the script would ignore the latter case, but I just want to be sure first

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

Both of those are fine. However, even better would be a list from some authoritative source. Is there a Cal-IPC for arthropods? http://www.iscc.ca.gov/docs/CaliforniaInvasiveSpeciesList.pdf seems like it might be short on arthropods, and http://ice.ucdavis.edu/invasives/ doesn't seem to have any machine-readable data.

פורסם על-ידי kueda לפני בערך 7 שנים

The publication I linked above is the most up to date source of information, I don't know of any database that is quite as comprehensive

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

We have had a few county and state records this year (possibly some US-wide ones too). But those are the minority, of course...those may never make it to an authoritative source.

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני בערך 7 שנים

PDFs, brutal. Well, if someone can convert the list in that paper into a Google Sheet, hopefully I can pull that into iNat.

פורסם על-ידי kueda לפני בערך 7 שנים

Is it not possible to copy and paste that into excel?

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני בערך 7 שנים

Pasting straight into spreadsheet doesn't work for me due to how this thing is formatted (everything just goes into one cell instead of the desired result), but pasting everything into a doc and then using regex to clear out the author name / other extraneous data will work

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

Hmm I hoped that it would recognize the data was spread over different cells when copying, but pdf format is rough. Maybe the owner/creator could be contacted and another format received...

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני בערך 7 שנים

And yes, anything from the past few years won't be on there. For more recent stuff, I regularly monitor http://blogs.cdfa.ca.gov/Section3162/?p=1954 for new introductions

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

replacing regex ([a-z]+ [a-z]+) .* with \1 is successful in stripping the authorship/other data in almost all instances and provides an orderly list of species name, keeping in mind:
1) occasionally species are enumerated with a subscript character that precedes the species name, this character is not stripped and needs to removed manually.
2) if there are any subspecies in the table, the subspecies will be stripped (I doubt this is important for insects and I doubt there are many if any subspecies in there)
3) the table is peppered with higher taxonomy headings which would not be affected and would need to be removed manually. These headings all seem to be formatted as such: Taxon-Taxon (ie Order-Family, separated by a hyphen) and in theory we could regex the hypenated phrases away, but there may also be hyphenated specific epithets and I think I don't really want to check... also there are sometimes spaces before or after the hyphens, no consistency there

Those minor annoyances considered, should be pretty easy to come up with a readable list of species without much difficulty, I can make it happen tomorrow

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

@kueda : Here you go:

That is a list of 1645 arthropod taxa considered introduced in California, modified from Dowell et. al. (2016) to list just the binomials. While Dowell included molluscs and earthworms in his list, I excluded them here due to my unfamiliarity with those taxa.

While going through Dowell, I noticed that several taxa in his list are referred to by outdated binomials and some taxa were misspelled. I corrected these when I was familiar with them, but there are probably others. A negligible number of taxa may appear on this list more than once.

Also of note is that Dowell's list is very pest-centric - ie. it fails to include species that may have been intentionally introduced for biological control. So while this list has an impressive number of say, aphids and thrips, it is lacking in terms of introduced lady beetles and parasitoid wasps. These will have to be projects for another day.

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

There aren't too many ladybeetles introduced:

Exochomus metallicus
Exochomus nigromaculatus (=E. flavipes)
Brumus quadripustulatus (=Exochomus quadripustulatus)
Chilocorus kuwanae
Chilocorus bipustulatus
Chilocorus circumdatus
Chilocorus nigrita
Cryptognatha nodiceps
Hyperaspis senegalensis
Stethorus punctillum
Pharoscymnus flexibilis
Curinus coeruleus
Halmus chalybeus
Egius platycephalus
Rodolia koebelei
Rodolia cardinalis
Anovia circumclusa
Scymnus suturalis
Rhyzobius forestieri
Rhyzobius lophanthae
Aphidecta obliterata
Cryptolaemus montrouzieri
Nephus binaevatus
Azya orbigera
Coccinella septempunctata
Coccinella undecimpunctata
Diomus pumilio
Coleophora inaequalis
Hippodamia variegata
Harmonia axyridis
Harmonia dimidiata
Harmonia quadripunctata

edit: the final three I forgot:
Propylea quatuordecimpunctata
Scymnus impexus
Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני בערך 7 שנים

If you guys want to make a synthetic list, would you mind putting that in a publicly visible Google Sheet with some annotations about where you got the information from? I want something I can cite and link to. Plus you'll be making the world a better place! I'm happy to use the list Chris provided and cite Dowell, but if you're going to incorporate other sources then you're starting to author something new.

פורסם על-ידי kueda לפני בערך 7 שנים
פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

Can you grant comment access? I think Chelyletiella yasguri is misspelled.

פורסם על-ידי kueda לפני בערך 7 שנים

I turned comments on (I can grant you editing access as well if you like but I'd need your email for that). I fixed Cheyletiella yasguri as well, good catch

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

Still running this through some tests, but I noticed Ascalapha odorata (Black Witch) is on there. That's neither introduced nor, to my knowledge, invasive, it just gets blown up here by monsoon winds, which seems pretty natural to me. Any sense for how much of Dowell's list is like that?

פורסם על-ידי kueda לפני בערך 7 שנים

Interesting inclusion, certainly not one I'd consider introduced. I'd imagine the circumstances surrounding that species are unique and shouldn't easily correlate to most other species on the list, but if others are found they can be removed.

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

Ok, most of these work out all right on a test server, but there are 143 names that don't import from our normal sources, and I'm loath to just cram them in there since some of them are misspellings like "Chelyletiella yasguri" and others seem to be outdated names like Ochetomyrmex auropunctata. I think most of these will have to be manually added (e.g. add the current name and this outdated name as a synonym)... which is gonna take a little while. Here are the names:

Aceria aloinis
Aceria cynodontis
Aceria neocynodonis
Aceria parthenii
Achaearanea ohlerti
Achaearanea tepediorum
Aculus schlectendali
Adistema watsoni
Aedes quinquefasciatus
Agalliota barretti
Agonum mulleri
Agrilus cyanescans
Agriope trifasciata
Aleurotuberculatus aucubae
Aleurotuberculatus jasmini
Alphitophagus bifasciata
Anoplophorus glabripennis
Anotylustetra carinatus
Aphis citricola
Aphis eurphorbiae
Athergonia orientalis
Athergonia reversura
Cacopsylla buxi
Calacarus adornatus
Calaphis juglandis
Callidellum rufipenne
Calocoris norwegicus
Campanulotes bidendatus
Carolinaia howardi
Cartodere notifer
Cecidophyes collegiatus
Cecidophyes malpighianus
Cemonus lethifer
Cercyon haemorrhoidales
Cercyon quisquilus
Cercyon terminalis
Cheircanthium mildei
Chelyletiella yasguri
Chrysoma rufifacies
Chrysomphalus aonidium
Chrysophthartam fuscum
Ctenocallis zelkowae
Ctopsocus strauchi
Cydia prunivora
Diorhabda elongate
Dysaphis plantaginae
Elatobium abietina
Emmelina monodactylus
Empoascas maragdula
Eriophyes ajugae
Eriophyes celtis
Eriophyes cynodoniensis
Eriophyes eriobotryae
Eriophyes spermaphaga
Eriophyes vaga
Eriophyes wisteriae
Euscelis variegausa
Euscrobipalpa artiplicella
Falagria concinnus
Ferreisia virgata
Furcadaspis zamiae
Fuscuropoda marginata
Gammaphytoptus camphorae
Gyaikothrips uzeli
Heteropsallus planicornis
Heteropsylla flexuosa
Heterotoma planicorne
Hypoderma lineatus
Idiocerus decimaquartus
Iris oratorius
Larinoides sclopetarius
Latalus misellus
Lipeurus pavo
Listronotus hyperodes
Lithocolletis mespilella
Luridiblatta trivattata
Mackiella phoenicis
Macroneura versicularis
Macrosiphum eurphorbiae
Mantis religiosus
Mayetiola violicola
Medetera johnthomasi
Melanaspis obscurus
Mercetaspis harperi
Metolophium dirhodum
Microtheca ochrolma
Mimosetes nubigens
Monarthropalpus flava
Myatropha florae
Napomyzae vanescens
Niditinea spretella
Niptus holoeucus
Ochetomyrmex auropunctata
Oxypleurites maxwelli
Pachynematus sporax
Palorus ratzburgi
Paralatoria crotonis
Paratrechina currens
Phantacrus lobatus
Pharaxonotha kirschi
Phenococcus aceris
Phiedole megacephala
Phyllocoptes bougainvilleae
Phyllocoptes calulmi
Phytoptus hedericola
Psammotettix emarginatus
Pseudacysta persea
Pseudaletia unipunctata
Psxoroptes equi
Pterostrichus melanarius
Pthirius pubis
Rhynacaphytoptus ficifoliae
Rhytidodus decimasquartus
Ribantiana tenerrima
Ribantiana ulmi
Saperda populneus
Selitrichodes globulus
Shevtchenkella depressus
Sideridis rosa
Steatoda triangulossa
Stelidota geminate
Steneotarsonemus ananas
Stenolechia bathyrodyas
Stephanitis pyriodes
Strumigenys silvestri
Symmetrischema striatellum
Tarsonemus setifer
Tegeneria domestica
Tegeneria pagana
Tegolophus myersi
Tegolophus zizyphagus
Tegonotus carinatus
Tetramorium simillium
Tineola biselliella
Trichodectes equi
Trimeroptes aleyrodiformis
Trisetacus pseudotsugae
Vasates immigrans
Vasates magnolivora
Vrybergia trionymoides
Vyburgia brevicruris
Xenylla martima
Zygiella x-notata Clerck

If / when you've added these taxa and / or updated the list spreadsheet to correct misspellings and such, let me know and I'll give it another go. A suggestion: maybe make separate columns in the spreadsheet for verbatim names from the publication and edited names. That's what I did for this version of the Esslinger lichen list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12yLv-BvhAQKQ30YzSAwYs57yr_lQqhvTRk2Lol6wTQI/edit#gid=0

פורסם על-ידי kueda לפני בערך 7 שנים

Some of those names are on iNaturalist (example: Argiope trifasciata, and Zygiella x-notata).

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני בערך 7 שנים

Yeah, but they're misspelled in the list (e.g. "Agriope trifasciata") or have extra stuff (e.g. "Zygiella x-notata Clerck").

פורסם על-ידי kueda לפני בערך 7 שנים

Alright, I added a new column on the sheet with the verbatim names and I marked with an asterisk the binomials noted above that didn't check out. As you've noted Ken-ichi, most of these are misspellings (Zygiella x-notata Clerck being a weird instance of my code not stripping the author name, I'll take the blame for that one). Most of these will have to be fixed manually. I created a new filter view which I labeled "Errors" (Data -> filter views) to easily see these, and I highlighted in yellow all names which have yet to be fixed (fixing a name will unhighlight the cell automatically). I'll work on starting to correct these names later.

One thing I did notice @kueda is that the psyllid Heteropsylla flexuosa in in your error list but the name is spelled correctly. That seems like an odd case and I can't figure out why it wouldn't be in the normal sources.

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני בערך 7 שנים

It isn't on iNat though (yet).

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני בערך 7 שנים

Yeah, the "normal" sources here are EOL and Catalogue of Life, and they certainly don't cover every valid name. For those you'll need to create taxa manually.

פורסם על-ידי kueda לפני בערך 7 שנים

It looks like H. flexuosa is missing from EoL (as are about half the species in that genus) but it is on Catalogue of Life
Does iNat use an older checklist for Catalogue of Life?

פורסם על-ידי psyllidhipster לפני כמעט 7 שנים

Yeah we do, unfortunately. I think there was some problem with their marine algae taxonomy or something. You know, before you go too crazy adding new taxa let me try and take another pass. I think I can try to import names from uBio and BugGuide with a little fiddling. Will try to get to this tomorrow.

פורסם על-ידי kueda לפני כמעט 7 שנים

Ok, with your edits and fetching names from uBio and BugGuide leaves only 102 problematic names:

Aceria aloinis
Aceria cynodontis
Aceria neocynodonis
Aceria parthenii
Achaearanea ohlerti
Achaearanea tepediorum
Adistema watsoni
Aedes quinquefasciatus
Agalliota barretti
Agrilus cyanescans
Aleurotuberculatus aucubae
Alphitophagus bifasciata
Anoplophorus glabripennis
Anotylustetra carinatus
Aphis citricola
Aphis eurphorbiae
Athergonia orientalis
Athergonia reversura
Brumus quadripustulatus (=Exochomus quadripustulatus)
Calaphis juglandis
Callidellum rufipenne
Campanulotes bidendatus
Carolinaia howardi
Cartodere notifer
Cecidophyes collegiatus
Cecidophyes malpighianus
Cercyon haemorrhoidales
Cercyon quisquilus
Cheircanthium mildei
Chrysoma rufifacies
Chrysophthartam fuscum
Coleophora inaequalis
Ctenocallis zelkowae
Ctopsocus strauchi
Diorhabda elongate
Dysaphis plantaginae
Elatobium abietina
Eriophyes eriobotryae
Eriophyes vaga
Eriophyes wisteriae
Euscelis variegausa
Euscrobipalpa artiplicella
Exochomus nigromaculatus (=E. flavipes)
Falagria concinnus
Ferreisia virgata
Furcadaspis zamiae
Gammaphytoptus camphorae
Heteropsallus planicornis
Hypoderma lineatus
Larinoides sclopetarius
Latalus misellus
Listronotus hyperodes
Lithocolletis mespilella
Luridiblatta trivattata
Mackiella phoenicis
Macroneura versicularis
Macrosiphum eurphorbiae
Mayetiola violicola
Medetera johnthomasi
Melanaspis obscurus
Mercetaspis harperi
Metolophium dirhodum
Microtheca ochrolma
Mimosetes nubigens
Monarthropalpus flava
Myatropha florae
Napomyzae vanescens
Niptus holoeucus
Pachynematus sporax
Palorus ratzburgi
Paralatoria crotonis
Paratrechina currens
Phantacrus lobatus
Pharaxonotha kirschi
Phyllocoptes calulmi
Phytoptus hedericola
Pseudacysta persea
Pterostrichus melanarius
Pthirius pubis
Rhynacaphytoptus ficifoliae
Rhytidodus decimasquartus
Ribantiana tenerrima
Ribantiana ulmi
Saperda populneus
Selitrichodes globulus
Shevtchenkella depressus
Sideridis rosa
Steneotarsonemus ananas
Stenolechia bathyrodyas
Strumigenys silvestri
Symmetrischema striatellum
Tegeneria domestica
Tegeneria pagana
Tegolophus myersi
Tetramorium simillium
Trimeroptes aleyrodiformis
Trisetacus pseudotsugae
Vasates immigrans
Vasates magnolivora
Vrybergia trionymoides
Vyburgia brevicruris
Xenylla martima

So I think that's the final list of things that need spell checks or manually created taxon records.

פורסם על-ידי kueda לפני כמעט 7 שנים

Aphis citricola should be Aphis spiraecola. It is a complicated mess with this one. See notes under Taxonomy here: http://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/6221

פורסם על-ידי silversea_starsong לפני כמעט 7 שנים

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