Taxonomic Swap 54419 (הועלה ב 2019-03-03)

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נוסף על־ידי najera_tutor בתאריך מרץ 2, 2019 04:01 אחה"צ | אושר על ידי wolfgangb בתאריך מרץ 3, 2019
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פורסם על-ידי najera_tutor לפני יותר מ 5 שנים

Have all Homalocephala polycephala now become obscured? I'm sure they weren't before. Is this intentional?

פורסם על-ידי ravkar לפני יותר מ 5 שנים

no i didn't, you mean the point in the map?, if is that then maybe someone from the US did it, many people like to steal this kind of plants for their gardens

פורסם על-ידי najera_tutor לפני בערך 5 שנים

Well, I haven't looked at every observation, but it seems the ccordinates are now obscured for almost all if not all polycephala. I'm almost positive they weren't before, that's why I wondered if the taxon swap had changed something. Perhaps it's as you say and someone else did this. Or, of course, I may be misremembering. Still, polycephala isn't listed as vulnerable or threatened is it?

פורסם על-ידי ravkar לפני בערך 5 שנים

no, it is at Least Concern sensu IUCN

פורסם על-ידי najera_tutor לפני בערך 5 שנים

Strange that the coordinates seem to be all obscured then. Again, I may be wrong, but I downloaded a copy of the iNat database for Cactaceae a year ago and when I look at the database it seems that most of the polycephala are not obscured.

I have an observation of polycephala from a couple of years ago, and am planning to get around to upload it (and some others) soon, so I'll guess I'll find out soon enough.

Thanks for taking the time to reply!

פורסם על-ידי ravkar לפני בערך 5 שנים

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