Glipidiomorpha obsoleta Franciscolo 1955

Original description with illustration in:
Franciscolo, M. E. 1955. Mordellidae and Scraptiidae in the Collections of the Durban Museum (XXIX. Contribution to the Knowledge of Mordellidae and Scraptiidae). Part I. Durban Museum Novitates, Vol. IV. Part XII

Hind tibiae with a distinct dorso-lateral ridge, hairy eyes, elytra with file-like sculpture. The upper surface is prevailingly covered by grey pubescent markings, as shown in the figure; the pronotum bears three small areas covered by black hairs, one elongate at middle, and one at each side of it; maxillary palpi ferrugineous; front and middle tarsi a little clearer; anterior femora rusty-reddish. Pubescent markings of elytra of moderate size, leaving free large black spots (see figure); the postmedian pubescent band is normally sinuous on each elytron; pygidium covered with whitish pubescence, leaving a small subtriangular black spot at base.

Type locality: Chirinda Forest, Zimbabwe

iNat observation:

הועלה ב-פברואר 24, 2024 06:57 אחה"צ על ידי traianbertau traianbertau


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