I bet you can't beat my HoTX county list for 2016? Prove it!

I've been thinking about county stats quite a bit, so I thought I would see what my HoTX county list was for 2016 for Travis County: 28 species... I bet you can't beat it! Post your biggest 2016 HoTX county list in the comments below and let's see who is the top local herper this year! Here is my list:


To find out just click on the link above, click on the filter button and change the person and place fields. Post your top HoTX County List in the comments below.

Hmmm... I wonder what else I could pick up... And of course now that I have this in mind I am going to go out of my way to top it in 2017!!

הועלה ב-דצמבר 14, 2016 10:52 אחה"צ על ידי cullen cullen


I had 15 in Walker County, but I didn't start until April. I'll make an effort now since its a competition. :)

פורסם על-ידי eric_keith לפני כמעט 8 שנים

Your're on for 2017! Even if I am last, the experience of being outside will be worth it!

פורסם על-ידי connlindajo לפני כמעט 8 שנים

Can't beat it but where is your WDB, Yellow Mud Turtle, Strecker's Chorus, Coachwhip, Six-lined Racerunner and Texas Cooter?

פורסם על-ידי brushfreeman לפני כמעט 8 שנים

Actually I think I might could beat it if I could include Williamson, Hays, Travis and Bastrop Co.s but I don't keep lists so would not know for sure. Timber Rattlesnake would be a fine addition tho.

פורסם על-ידי brushfreeman לפני כמעט 8 שנים

Well, had I iNat'd everything I saw mine would top that. I had 22 species recorded + my Craugaster that recorded on Marla's iNat because my phone was dead + at least 7 more species that I never recorded (common stuff like gularis and nebulifer)

פורסם על-ידי troyhibbitts לפני כמעט 8 שנים

@troyhibbitts for what county?

פורסם על-ידי cullen לפני כמעט 8 שנים

@connor22 , @kucycads, @romeyswanson @ashleytubbs @toby @eyswanson @sandboa @gtsalmon @dneuharth @jacobstudowen : What's your top HoTX county for 2016?

פורסם על-ידי cullen לפני כמעט 8 שנים

@brushfreeman good point, this was just an afterthought so I'm missing some obvious species. Of the ones you mentioned, I can't believe I never logged a Texas Cooter in Travis County in 2016, that is something I can fix....

פורסם על-ידי cullen לפני כמעט 8 שנים

@kucycads, You should really be spending quality time with family inside.... Or outside Travis County? I would do the same but my family has a new tradition of turtle watching during the holidays...

פורסם על-ידי cullen לפני כמעט 8 שנים

I have the next 2 weeks off work, and I'll be back in KC next week. I honestly didn't think I spend that much time herping in Travis County: I'm missing Spiny Softshell for the year. The next sunny morning could produce a softshell at Hornsby.

פורסם על-ידי kucycads לפני כמעט 8 שנים

So the best I can find is @timothy214287 with 30 species in Brazos County... I don't know Timothy, but well done! He found three more species than @toby, and 24 more species than @connor22!!


פורסם על-ידי cullen לפני כמעט 8 שנים

That's Edwards Co. and only the southeastern edge.

פורסם על-ידי dianaterryhibbitts לפני כמעט 8 שנים

I got 145 observations for 20 species in Medina county pretty much without getting out of the car. ;-)
And that's without a single lizard or turtle record.

Without trying, I did manage 15+ species in Atascosa, McMullen, Medina, and Gonzales counties.
Now that I know we are competing......bring it on 2017 (of course, I still have another probably 100 records to add for 2016).

פורסם על-ידי sandboa לפני כמעט 8 שנים

I gave my home County list for Kinney Co. Since I record observations more on trips than I do at home, it's not really surprising that I had more obs in Jeff Davis

פורסם על-ידי troyhibbitts לפני כמעט 8 שנים

As listed above I had 27 species in Brazos, that only includes 3 amphibians and I have recorded more than 11 amphibians in my yard. Mine was very biased towards DOR snakes and turtles.


פורסם על-ידי toby לפני כמעט 8 שנים

@cullen I think the most I'm gonna get in one county this year is 20 from Jim Hogg. All my species for the year are spread out across the state

פורסם על-ידי connor22 לפני כמעט 8 שנים

@cullen I think my best is 22 sp in Brazos county. Most of these were opportunistic. I was primarily focused on the Big Year, and since I travel for work as much as I do, most of my observations are mildly focused in those destination areas, but mostly spread out through the state. Maybe next year I'll try to focus on some individual counties, probably some under-represented counties.

פורסם על-ידי dneuharth לפני כמעט 8 שנים

@cullen I did 29 species in Brewster County this year during Snake Days (5 days minus one while working with TNC doing bird surveys in the Davis Mountains).

פורסם על-ידי romeyswanson לפני כמעט 8 שנים

@romeyswanson nice, I'm going to have to find a couple species before I leave on the 26th!

פורסם על-ידי cullen לפני כמעט 8 שנים

I'm close with 21, thanks to @caudisona 's Field Herp class! Out of the country now so that's what it's gonna be

פורסם על-ידי santillanaale לפני יותר מ 7 שנים

I already got the first one for 2017! Frustratingly, I can't rotate the photo in edit mode. Anyone else having the same problem?


פורסם על-ידי eric_keith לפני יותר מ 7 שנים

frustrated...how do you post a lizard when you don't know what it is? I am afraid it will just get lost among the millions....naylorranch1947

פורסם על-ידי naylorranch1947 לפני יותר מ 7 שנים

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