New Curators and HoTX Big Year 100 club is getting bigger...

Please welcome two new curators to the Herps of Texas Project, Michael Price (@wild-about-texas ) and Corey Roelke (@croelke ). Thank you to all of our curators (@sandboa, @andygluesenkamp, @gtsalmon, @toby, @caudisona, @wild-about-texas, and @croelke) for offering their expertise to help make the Herps of Texas the best vetted herp project on iNaturalist!

Also an update on our Herps of Texas Big Year, three people have already documented over 100 species: @connor22, @kucycads, and @romeyswanson. Well done!

With all of this rain this is a great time to get out and make some discoveries. Good luck and we look forward to seeing what you can find!

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 17, 2016 05:01 אחה"צ על ידי cullen cullen


Nice work Connor and Kenneth!
Thanks to all the curators! I've especially appreciated those opportunities where y'all have helped clear up ID questions, shared good field marks, areas to herp, or hooks on frog/toad calls.

פורסם על-ידי romeyswanson לפני בערך 8 שנים

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