Day Three

Only one day left! We hope your feet, eyes, and enthusiasm can last through just one more day.

As of 7PM on the 30th, the numbers stand at 2,075 observations of 666 species, made by 166 observers. We are doing great! Here are some of today’s highlights:

  • On Saturday, @jeremycoleman flushed an American Woodcock off her nest in the Montague Plains. Today, he led us back to the nest, where we watched briefly from far enough away the bird set tight and didn’t flush again.
  • The red of Elf Cup fungi is stunning against the dark leaves of the forest floor, as this observation by @afassler shows.
  • @pshubin did a little dip-netting and came up with several cool aquatic macroinvertebrates (and a tadpole). This mayfly larva was particularly impressive.

Tomorrow’s events include:

Bioblitz at Quabbin Watershed, New Salem
Monday, May 1, 2023; 1PM – 3PM; Gate 29, Rt. 202 and Elm St., New Salem

Join Charley Eiseman and Lynn Harper for an easy stroll through woods and fields, past vernal pools and powerlines, to the northern shores of Quabbin Reservoir. Charley is a freelance naturalist based in western Massachusetts and the co-author, with Noah Charney, of the fascinating Tracks & Sign of Insects and Other Invertebrates; Lynn is a conservation planner, retired from the Massachusetts Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program. Space is limited to 24 participants. Please email Lynn at to register for this event.

Bioblitz at Alderbrook Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary
Monday, May 1, 2023; 6PM – 7PM; 839 Millers Falls Rd. (Route 63), Northfield

Join Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust for our third City Nature Challenge event! Meet May Grzybowski, Mount Grace’s TerraCorps Land Conservation Steward, for a bioblitz at our accessible Alderbrook Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary Trail. May has worked in environmental education at Nature’s Classroom and is passionate about citizen science! All ages are welcome to this event! We’ll be walking the short trail which leads to a beaver pond and we will be trying to observe as many different plants and animals as we can! At Mount Grace we are using iNaturalist to learn more about the land we conserve and keep a record of the natural history of our forests. To register, please e-mail May Gryzbowski at . Participants should download the iNaturalist app to their phones before arriving at the event or be ready to share a device with others. Adults with kids can also download the kid-friendly app Seek.

---Lynn Harper and Melanie Radik, co-organizers

הועלה ב-אפריל 30, 2023 11:06 אחה"צ על ידי lynnharper lynnharper


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