Day Two

We are about half-way through the City Nature Challenge (if we ignore those who are still out owling and looking for moths for the next few hours). This morning was pretty wet in spots – the trip to Notchview got rained out – but there were definitely lots of observers out there anyway!

As of 7PM on the 29th, the numbers stand at 1,261 observations of 495 species, made by 124 observers. Wonderful! Here are some of today’s highlights:

Remember, heavy rain will cancel an event, but tomorrow’s trips include:

Bioblitz at Montague Plains WMA
Sunday, April 30, 2023; 9AM – 11AM; Plains Road at powerline (approach from Turners Falls Road only), Montague

Join Lynn Harper to explore the globally uncommon pine barrens and wooded hills of the Montague Plains Wildlife Management Area. Lynn is a conservation planner, retired from the MA Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program. There is no limit to the number of participants for this trip, but please email Lynn at if you’re planning to come.

Bioblitz at Arthur Iverson Conservation Area
Sunday, April 30, 2023; 1PM – 3PM; 67 Gale Rd., Warwick

Join Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust for our second City Nature Challenge event! Meet May Grzybowski, Mount Grace’s TerraCorps Land Conservation Steward, for a bioblitz hike at Arthur Iversen Conservation Area. May has worked in environmental education at Nature’s Classroom and is passionate about citizen science! We’ll be exploring all the area has to offer – mossy forest, vernal pools, and a beautiful washbowl falls. We will be trying to observe as many different plants and animals as we can! At Mount Grace we are using iNaturalist to learn more about the land we conserve and keep a record of the natural history of our forests. To register, please e-mail May Grzybowski at . Participants MUST download the iNaturalist app to their phones before arriving at the event, as Iversen has limited cell signal, or be prepared to share devices.

Bioblitz at Whiting Street Reservoir, Holyoke
Sunday, April 30, 2023; 1PM – 3PM; Mountain Park Road (park just after crossing over I-91), Holyoke

Join Lynn Harper for a walk along the edges of this small reservoir at the base of Mt. Tom. The rich basalt bedrock of Mt. Tom supports many unusual plants, and we may see a Bald Eagle soaring overhead as they journey along the Connecticut River. Lynn is a conservation planner, retired from the MA Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program. There is no limit to the number of participants for this trip, but please email Lynn at if you’re planning to come.

---Lynn Harper and Melanie Radik, co-organizers

הועלה ב-אפריל 29, 2023 11:31 אחה"צ על ידי lynnharper lynnharper


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