Notes on the identity of Hariola claryi Audibert, Porion & Nagai, 2016, a lanternfly from New Guinea

In 2016 Audibert, Porion, & Nagai described a new species of Hariola from New Guinea. The new species resembles the type species of Hariola by reference to the tegmen coloration, but the shape of the cephalic process differs dramatically, and the authors did not explain the placement of this species in the genus Hariola. Indeed, many genera from New Guinea are similarly colored and nothing in the description of the species implies that the species was compared with other New Guinea genera, which are largely distinguished by the shape of the cephalic process. Based on the shape of the cephalic process, I posit that the species is correctly placed in the genus Ombro, and as the authors did not compare their species with this genus it is likely that Hariola claryi is synonymous with Ombro vindemitor Fennah 1977.

Left: Hariola tiarata, type species. Right: Hariola claryi

Hariola tiarata, cephalic process

Left: Hariola claryi cephalic process. Right: Ombro vindemitor cephalic process, illustration by Fennah 1977

Left: Hariola claryi. Right: Ombro vindemitor, illustration by Fennah 1977

הועלה ב-מרץ 2, 2023 10:33 אחה"צ על ידי psyllidhipster psyllidhipster


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