the yellow vests are here, and possibly some rain!

I got the first yellow vest this week, and today I got 3 more, for the first 3 who ordered. I must say they are gorgeous! If you live in San Jose you can come and pick up yours, or I could send them by mail.
The other thing is that it supposed to rain tonight! I wonder if we should check the road tomorrow morning? Would anyone be interested in doing that? we could meet there, or go separately. If you do go, please write it on the calendar, and also remember not to move any of the newts near the Midpen study. If it's next to their drift fence, just leave it there.
@truthseqr, @newtpatrol, @sea-kangaroo, @anudibranchmom, @joescience1, @karangattu, @tyap

הועלה ב-נובמבר 6, 2020 10:13 אחה"צ על ידי merav merav


hi merav,

i'm in san jose and can pick mine up. i'm right by branham @ almaden. i may be available for 1/2 tomorrow am, but i need to check with my wife and our plans.

i foregt if i paid you for a vest, if not i can pay cash upon pick up.

thank you,


פורסם על-ידי joescience1 לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

Awesome! Do you think we should do the whole road tomorrow? We don't really know if the newts will be out there. What does everyone think?

פורסם על-ידי merav לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

Personally, I'd be surprised if they go on the move already, since it's the first rain, even if it rains long and more than lightly wetting. At least that was my experience where I used to patrol them, they seemed to be like native seeds that don't germinate until they know it's really the rainy season.

Yay vests! I can come get mine too, let me know when is good.

פורסם על-ידי newtpatrol לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

checking los gatos weather, it shows 14% chance or rain, and traces if that... maybe it's not worth it.

פורסם על-ידי joescience1 לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

I know. Anne read that it takes about 4 inches of rain to get them out, but I thought they might be out there. I'm thinking of going anyway if it rains tonight, but I don't think we'll need to do the entire road. There probably won't be any newts.
I'll send you private messages with my address and such

פורסם על-ידי merav לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

ok, sounds good.

FYI it did rain a bit here in san jose.

פורסם על-ידי joescience1 לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

yes, I heard it too (even though I was dreaming about heavy rains, and that was a bit confusing).
@newtpatrol - you live near Lexington, right? Did you get any rain last night?

פורסם על-ידי merav לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

I couldn't resist it, I had to check if the newts are out there. I went with @tyap, and we did the north section. We didn't see any newts. We met with Christian and Will (I think) from the Midpen team, and they haven't seen any either. I usually go there on Wednesday, so it was interesting to see the difference in traffic. I counted 83 cars on the road, and no trucks, and 107 cars parked on the different parking lots and trailheads.

פורסם על-ידי merav לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

It was great getting out there to check out the site! Thanks, @merav !

פורסם על-ידי tyap לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

You found us, @tyap! Welcome to iNaturalist :)

פורסם על-ידי merav לפני יותר מ 3 שנים

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