Bear Walks Through Oprah Winfrey’s Property in Montecito

Original source:

By: Julia Nguyen

MONTECITO, Calif. -- Two on air personalities got a special visitor Monday morning.

Gayle King and Oprah Winfrey got a visit from a bear on Monday in Montecito.

King, who is currently sheltered up with Winfrey, was working in Winfrey's home when security came in during her live shot to warn her that a bear was on the property.

The NewsChannel's Joe Buttitta and Kelsey Gerckens spoke to King during a curated interview with Larry Klein.

King said she did not know there were bears in what she called "the Santa Barbara bureau".

Joey told King that they came from the mountains and it is a rare occasion for a bear to come through.

In King's Instagram post, a video shows her security guard warning her to stay inside as there was an adolescent black bear sighting at the front of the property.

California Fish and Wildlife says the bear was just passing through Winfrey's property. The animal left before rangers could respond to the scene.

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 5, 2020 03:49 לפנה"צ על ידי out_west_jess out_west_jess


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