National Pollinator Week

Next week--June 17 to 23--is National Pollinator Week, and what better way to contribute to pollinator conservation than to document native pollinator species for the ESNPS? You can help determine how New York's native insects, which have co-evolved with native plants for thousands of years, are handling the threats of pesticides, habitat loss, and the climate crisis by contributing your observations here.

There have been some interesting observations rolling in, despite the wet and generally uncooperative spring weather. Many people estimate that Mother Nature is about two weeks behind schedule. Summer seems genuinely around the corner, though, and as temperatures warm and the sun makes multi-day appearances, insect activity should pick up. Grab your camera and be ready for it!

Find registered Pollinator Week events here:

הועלה ב-יוני 15, 2019 02:44 לפנה"צ על ידי mattschles mattschles


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