Year 2 of the ESNPS is here!

And suddenly, there are flowers everywhere. Spring has arrived in full, and despite the lingering snow in some parts of our large state, insects have started emerging in many places on the warmer days. Here in Albany, I'm seeing bees curiously exploring the early-blooming shrubs and I'm ready to get out and start photographing.

I hope you are too! Early spring is a great time for pollinator photography. Some species of hover flies and bees are unique to early spring, and the colder temperatures mean potentially more cooperative subjects. Please help make year 2 of the Empire State Native Pollinator Survey even more successful than the first by contributing your photographs of pollinating bees, hover flies, beetles, and moths to this project. For our complete list of specific focal taxa, see, where you can also find our Participant Handbook and other project materials.

In addition to this iNaturalist project, we are recruiting volunteers to collect specimens opportunistically or by using our full project protocol, which our staff are already deploying around the state. (Some species cannot be identified reliably from photographs because of microscopic characters. Collecting isn't for everyone, but directed research has shown little effect of scientific collection on local insect populations.) We have announced several workshops around the state this spring and summer to train project participants. See There you can also register as a project participant or sign up just to stay in the loop.

Happy spring, and happy photographing! Thank you for your participation.

הועלה ב-אפריל 19, 2019 03:30 אחה"צ על ידי mattschles mattschles


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