Late summer and fall observations

First of all, THANK YOU to all the volunteer scientists and naturalists making the first season of this project so successful. It's been a pleasure watching observations come in and species get identified. And while beautiful photography is by no means a necessity for species identification--you don't need to be a professional photographer or have expensive gear to take useful photos--many of these images are as much art as science!

Keep in mind that late summer and fall can be productive times for pollinator observations. Some plants are still in bloom (or are in bloom just now) and many of our focal insects may still be active on warm days and nights well into October.

We've got a great set of observations (nearly 1600 specifically for the ESNPS as of this posting) and we'll be exploring the dataset this fall, in combination with other NY observations not tagged to this project. If you have saved your photo uploading for rainy autumn days, your time is approaching! We'll report back to you, the collectors of these valuable data, sometime this winter. Happy observing!

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 5, 2018 06:52 אחה"צ על ידי mattschles mattschles


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