The first 1,000 observations

We've reached a great milestone in the last few days: 1,000 observations posted to our iNaturalist project! Thank you all for the tremendous resource you're providing to help us understand the status of NY's key pollinators. Combined with our systematic statewide survey, and our compilation of museum data, your observations are helping us assemble a rich, unique data source.

Hymenoptera (bees, wasps) have been the most frequently observed taxon: 486 observations of 91 species. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), with 224 observations of 76 species, is next, followed by Diptera (flies) with 151 observations of 47 species and Coleoptera (beetles) with 141 observations of 50 species. A pretty good haul so far, and we're only halfway through summer!

When you're out and about, we encourage you to pay particular attention to our "focal species groups"--the ones we're primarily interested in--which are noted in the project description. We'd love to see more photos of flower long-horned beetles, sphinx moths, and hover flies. But whatever you choose to focus on, we hope you find it fun and rewarding.

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 7, 2018 09:01 אחה"צ על ידי mattschles mattschles


Great job, ESNPS community!

פורסם על-ידי bymattkelly לפני בערך 6 שנים

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