Mike Plagens אוצר.ת

הצטרפ.ה ב:נוב' 27, 2016 פעילות אחרונה: ספט' 12, 2024 iNaturalist תומכ.ת על בסיס חודשי מאז ספטמבר 2020

Every environment and every phylum of organisms draws my attention. I have spent much of the past 46 years studying the flora and fauna of Arizona, USA. I try to get out into the field every week or so, and still I am certain to find new things with every visit.

Besides being a lot of fun, I am certain that iNaturalist records will be invaluable to future naturalists as the global climate changes and organisms redistribute or become extinct. Everyone can have adventure exploring while engaging in valuable citizen science.

My new challenge is learning the natural history of Kenya. Wonder and awe are everywhere in Nature.

I am interested in documenting interrelationships, for example, host plants of insects or examples of co-evolution.

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