Priyantha Wijesinghe אוצר.ת

הצטרפ.ה ב:יולי 31, 2016 פעילות אחרונה: אוק' 24, 2024 iNaturalist תומכ.ת על בסיס חודשי מאז אוקטובר 2019

Based in New York City since 1987 but have lived for extended periods also in Sri Lanka (country of origin; active in natural history 1983-1987) and in England (1974-1983). Former entomologist, Department of National Museums, Sri Lanka (1984-1987). Biology professor, LaGuardia Community College, NY. Of special relevance to iNaturalist: familiarity with the fauna of Sri Lanka (especially insects, arachnids and some terrestrial vertebrate groups); natural history & biodiversity of New York City (USA) & some familiarity with the fauna of south London/north Surrey area (UK).

Same username on Twitter & BlueSky: Elaphrornis

Area link for "South Asia" [For 'British India' (to match area covered by old Fauna of British India series) add 6992 to include Myanmar]:,7076,7077,7154,7335,7707

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