Various links I use a lot
Helpful sites for plant identification in general (also name databases):
USDA Plants database
Flora of North America
The Plant List
Caterpillar host database
Links I often use for studying Euphorbia:
Biodiversity Heritage Library
Encyclopedia of life
Index herbariorum
Euphorbia PBI
Euphorbia PBI species search
Information on Euphorbia serpens/E. inaequilatera in Africa
List of my Euphorbia identifications on iNaturalist
My identification links
Curator and other iNaturalist links:
Curator guide
Create new taxon
Taxa that need curation
Frequently used comments
iNaturalist google group
Posts I'm tagged in:
In the description
In the comments
Link extension for finding observations without seeds that say they have seeds: &taxon_id=51822&field:seeds%20shown%3F=yes&field:Euphorbia%20taxonomic%20groups=unknown
Link extension for South Texas: ¬_in_place=6793&nelat=28.829127840976845&nelng=-89.2749798392581&swlat=23.406643370556377&swlng=-104.71687556260099
Link extension for Euphorbias identified by me: