Taxonomic Swap 95063 (הועלה ב 2021-07-20)

ASM Mammal Diversity Database Ver. 1.... (ציטוט)
נוסף על־ידי bobby23 בתאריך יולי 20, 2021 03:41 אחה"צ | אושר על ידי bobby23 בתאריך יולי 20, 2021
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There seems to be issues with the geographic overlap of the subspecies -- both Martes caurina ssp. caurina and Martes caurina ssp. sierrae are shown in the southern Sierra Nevadas.

פורסם על-ידי maxallen לפני כמעט 3 שנים

I did not create atlases for the Pacific marten subspecies - I just moved them from Martens americana, and this just moved the IDs and observations for them with it. Do you think atlases and/or range maps would resolve the issue? Know any cited literature on the topic?

פורסם על-ידי bobby23 לפני כמעט 3 שנים

The Sierra subspecies should be pretty clear (historically in the Sierra Nevadas, and released near Mt. Lassen).

I'm not sure about specific studies, but you could start here:
(just be aware of their bias in favor of Humboldt marten subspecies)

פורסם על-ידי maxallen לפני כמעט 3 שנים

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