שימו לב: כל הזיהויים או חלקם שהושפעו מפיצול זה הוחלפו בזיהויים של Sympetrum. זה קורה כשאין ביכולתנו להגדיר זיהוי לאחד הטקסונים היוצאים באופן אוטומטי. מעבר על זיהויים של Sympetrum frequens 428674

Taxonomic Split 134664 (הועלה ב 2023-11-19)

S. frequens endemic to Japan

לא ידוע
נוסף על־ידי zebs בתאריך נובמבר 19, 2023 11:18 לפנה"צ | אושר על ידי zebs בתאריך נובמבר 19, 2023
מתפצל אל


Dear @zebs,
Please, cancel this taxon split immediately and hence restore identifications of Sympetrum frequens from Russia!
I don't know what you were based, but:

In the extreme south-east of Russia, in the coastal southern Primorye, we definitely have two well differing species, depressiusculum and frequens. This is well published:
This does not contradict at all the concept that S. frequens is a Japanese species, since our indifiduals of S. freqauens could migrate from Japan, which is very close, and may not comprise
ise a local population. S. frequens is known to be highly migratory speces.
There is Kunashir Island close to the north-east side of Hokkaido. This is currently in Russia but belongs to the Japanese Archipelago. It is inhabited by the genuine S. frequens, which you have now misidentified as "S. depressiusculum".
Thank you in advance,

פורסם על-ידי oleg_kosterin לפני 10 חודשים

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