ארכיון יומן של מרץ 2020

מרץ 9, 2020

Spring is in the air

Warming temperatures have lead to melting snow and messy roads, but also to the realization that spring is on the way! Many bird species like robins, eastern bluebirds, turkey vultures, sandhill cranes, wood ducks, and redwing blackbirds started arriving back into Wisconsin in February. Going into March, the northern part of the state is starting to see these birds, so take a stroll outside as the mornings are full of life!

There are so many ways you can help out these birds that have traveled sometimes thousands of miles to get here. Putting out nutritional food like seeds and fruits will help replenish their energy. Do NOT use food like bread as it will fill them up without providing them much nutrition. Putting up nesting boxes is another simple thing that you can do. Bluebirds, wood ducks, and American kestrels will use nesting boxes that are placed in the right location. www.nwf.org/Magazines/National-Wildlife/2010/Best-Bird-Houses. Besides birds, bat boxes are critical in the summer to provide shelter to their pups until they are able to fly.

Keep your eyes peeled as March will bring other migrant birds, but other animals will start to emerge or come out of hibernation as well. Chipmunks will be seem running around again. Garter snakes, hog-nosed snakes, painted turtles, salamanders and newts will emerge and warm themselves. Wood frogs will start calling and breeding once the nights get over 50 degrees. Turkeys are going to start gobbling and ruffed grouse will start drumming.

The beautiful sounds and sights of spring are on their way and the only way you are going to witness it, is if you get out outside! Picture or no picture, make sure to record them in iNaturalist so you can track year to year when you started seeing specific wildlife. And remember, take a moment to appreciate that these individuals have survived another hard winter and are truly amazing creatures!

הועלה ב-מרץ 9, 2020 08:07 אחה"צ על ידי wyfp_coordinator wyfp_coordinator | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה
