ארכיון יומן של יולי 2019

יולי 10, 2019

Clam Chronicle

Hello, Mussel Heads!

We continue to get helpful information on mussel distribution across the state. All of 2018 records have been entered into our database and will be used for current and future conservation work! I can't tell you how much we appreciate every mussel record submitted. Keep the observations coming!

If you cannot get enough of mussel information from iNaturalist, make sure to visit the Wisconsin Mussel Monitoring Program website, http://wiatri.net/inventory/mussels/! New this year is the introduction of the "Clam Chronicle". This seasonal newsletter updates participants on recent work associated with mussel conservation in Wisconsin. Each newsletter will showcase select mussel photos from volunteers. If there is a photo you would like included in the next issue, let me know.

Happy clamming!!

הועלה ב-יולי 10, 2019 03:34 אחה"צ על ידי jessew jessew | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה
