ארכיון יומן של דצמבר 2023

דצמבר 3, 2023

痕迹拍照方法(以足印为主)Best Practices for track and sign photography (with a focus on tracks)



1) 在图中放一个参照物。


2) 拍照视角:足印正上方。


3) 痕迹特写+环境照。

4) 成组的足印,足迹链。
许多科级或种级的动物有他们的“自然节奏”,即常用的步态。在单个足印特征不明显的情况下,成组的足印或足迹链往往也能够帮助缩小可能物种的范围。比如这条观察中犬科惯用的side trot(https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/125600239), 以及这条中松鼠常用的bounding步态(https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/148617894)。


Quick summary: Standard track photo – angle directly above the track, placing a scale reference on the same plane (ruler is best, an object or your hand works too)

Most of time, other than signs with obvious features, identifying a sign on site has much more advantage than trying to do so through a few photos. This post shares some photo practices that showcase important id points to help with identification.

1) Include a scale reference in the photo.
A ruler is always the best reference, especially when it comes to very small tracks. When you don’t have one, placing an object on hand or your hand or foot next to the sign would be the next best option. When there’s the opportunity to measure, make a note of that object/hand/foot’s size in the observation, or include a photo of the object/hand/foot with a ruler.

Whichever reference you use, putting it on the same plane as the sign allows for most accurate measurements. Thus, when a track is deep in snow or mud, consider pressing the reference down to the same plane to take a photo.

2) Angle of photo: directly above the track.
Track identification takes into consideration the shape, length and width, etc. Thus, a photo took from right above is often best at showing all the features.

Example for 1 and 2: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/166185666

3) Close-up of the sign + environment photo.
Micro-environment is often critical in sign identification. For example, canids and mustelids like to defecate in conspicuous places to form visual and scent markings (middle of a trail, on top of a rock…), while some felids prefer to defecate under a tree or have the habit of burying scats. Other than photos of signs, recording environmental clues through textual description of photos will be immensely helpful in identification: next to water, along mountain ridge, among dense woods, under a tree, on top of a rock, on a fallen log, in a den……
example: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/189675900

4) Sets of tracks, trail.
Many families or species of animals have a “natural rhythm” – a common gait their use. When a sign track doesn’t show clear features, sets of tracks or a trail can help narrow down the possibilities. For example, the side trot that canids like to use (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/125600239), and the bounding gait squirrels is often seen with (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/148617894).

Please feel welcomed to chat, add on, ask questions or write down other contents you’d like to know in the comments!

הועלה ב-דצמבר 3, 2023 04:45 לפנה"צ על ידי joy_wangmq joy_wangmq | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה
