יומן של The Preserve at Bull Run Mountains

ארכיון יומן של ספטמבר 2022

ספטמבר 5, 2022

Biodiversity Highlight - Series #3: Scarabaeidae of the Bull Run Mountains - Part One

Biodiversity Highlight (Series #3: Part One): Dynastes tityus (Eastern Hercules Beetle)
Virginia Outdoors Foundation - Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve

Eastern Hercules Beetle (Dynastes tityus) ♂ - An adult specimen observed in the Northern Section of The Preserve

© Jacob Saucier (@saucierj), all rights reserved (used with permission)

Hello again everyone,

Welcome to the third installment of our biodiversity highlight series, in which we review some of the amazing biodiversity held within the natural sanctuary of the Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve. This week we will be diving into one of the largest Coleopteran families - the Scarabaeidae, or scarab beetles. It's likely everyone has heard of and had interactions with this varied family of beetles, which includes the likes of dung beetles (Scarabaeinae), flower chafers (Cetoniinae), and Rhinoceros beetles (Dynastinae). The family itself is massive in comparison to our last highlighted families, with the Scarabs including some 30,000 species worldwide and approximately 1,400 species north of Mexico. In an attempt to keep this series manageable, it will highlight some of the more commonly observed and particularly interesting species of scarabs that have been observed on The Preserve.

With this in mind, let's jump in with one of the most notable members of the family in our area, the Eastern Hercules Beetle, Dynastes tityus,. The Eastern Hercules Beetle is especially charismatic and is even featured on the seal of the American Entomological Society. In a similar fashion to our previous highlighted species, this species is another great example of a gateway insect - having been an insect of inspiration for many aspiring entomologists, young and old, amateur and professional. With its large size, beautifully black-mottled greenish-tannish elytra, and impressive male horn - its noted charisma is self-explanatory. This species is one the largest species of beetle found in the United States, reaching lengths of between 40–60mm (1.6–2.4 inches) as an adult. It can be found throughout the Southeastern and Central United States inhabiting hardwood, and deciduous forests. Its formal range stretches from Maryland to Missouri, south to Texas and Florida. Per the course in this review of the "big beetles" of The Preserve, it is a saproxylic species, developing in and reliant on the abundant decaying woody materials across Bull Run. Despite white grubs being the bane of many gardeners, the species is harmless, both commercially and to handle.

The Eastern Hercules beetle goes by a handful of colloquial names including the rhinoceros beetle, elephant beetle, and even ox beetle. While descriptive of the species' likeness to large tusked, or horned animals, these are also the names of other Dynastine beetles. These include beetles like the Eastern rhinoceros beetle, Xyloryctes jamaicensis, which will be highlighted in an upcoming post. The scientific name Dynastes tityus is a great example of just how classically educated authors like Linneaus were when first describing the species in the 18th century. Linneaus, who assigned the name Scarabaeus tityus in 1763 in his work Centuria Insectorum, chose the specific epithet "tityus". The name doesn't directly translate from a classical Greek or Latin root word. Instead, the name "tityus" comes from the name of the mythological giant Tityos. A roundabout, but fitting name for our local giant.

Eastern Hercules Beetle (Dynastes tityus) ♀ - An adult female specimen observed in West Virginia

© Stephen ( @stephen_wv ), some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC-ND)

In our last highlights, finer taxonomic classifications like subfamilies and tribes weren't very important due to the relatively small number of species in each family present on The Preserve. For this series' feature family, we will need to discuss those finer taxonomic subunits to better classify and differentiate our highlight subjects as the series develops. Our champion of the Scarabaeidae this week, the eastern Hercules beetle, belongs to the subfamily Dynastinae, or rhinoceros beetles (easy to remember). Altogether, the Scarabaeidae includes about 8 subfamilies (depending on your taxonomic reference) in North America. These subfamilies include the Aphodiinae (small dung beetles), Scarabaeinae, Melolonthinae (June beetles), Oncerinae (a new subfamily on the block), Podolasiinae (new subfamily #2), Rutelinae (shining leaf chafers), Cetoniinae, and our Dynastinae. Not all of these subfamilies have been observed in the Bull Run Mountains (so we won't be covering all of them), but how we classify species is important - even if it is just to help us stay organized. We won't be arguing species theories here, but suffice it to say, taxonomy and our understanding of the diversity and classification of species is a very fluid system.

Knowing how to classify a species is important, but it's even more important to know how that species interacts with its environment. The ecology of the Eastern Hercules beetle is very similar to our previously reviewed Lucanidae and Passalidae highlights. The life cycle of this large species takes several years to complete, with most of its development being spent underground and feeding on decaying wood. Upon emerging, our forest giants only spend, at most, a couple of months taking in the sun and stars in search of a mate or suitable locations in which to oviposit the next generation. During this time, the males of this species may be found in serendipitous pitched combat among the branches of trees. Although Hercules beetles can be found among mix-hardwood forests across the Eastern United States, the species seems to have an intimate relationship with both Quercus spp. (our familiar oak - for reproduction and larvae development) and Fraxinus spp (ash trees - for courtship). While the species is now a rare sight, historically, observations of the Eastern Hercules beetles could be considered a nuisance due to the odor they omit during their breeding season (This author encountered it first hand this year due to some captive breeding trials). The following text is quoted from an 1888 Entomological Society of Washington commentary regarding an article discussing their occurrence:

"Mr. Smith read a paper on the peculiar odor emitted by Dynastes tityus. This is well known to entomologists, but during the present season, the species has developed into a pest. In two States -- Virginia and Tennessee -- they have been locally so abundant as to saturate the air with the penetrating stench. The local boards of health, especially that of Memphis, Tenn., disinfected all sorts of foul and suspected localities without success, and only by accident was the true source of the smell discovered. It must have required many thousands of specimens to have produced such an effect, and it is an interesting instance of a new way in which insects can render life burdensome to man. In discussing this communication Mr. Lugger said that the favorite food -plant of the Dynastes is the Water Ash (Fraxinus sambucifolia), which is quite common in the vicinity of Memphis."

*See the Article, "Beetles as a nuisance," by J. B. Smith, in Popular Science Monthly, xxx, pp. 409-410.*

This remarkable literature note is pretty humorous given the thought of the many contemporary dandies languishing in what may have been this author's ideal atmosphere - so many beetles! However, the note also serves to exemplify how much our local environments have changed over the last century. As many readers may remember, Ash trees were once a ubiquitous feature among our native forests. Since the introduction of the Emerald Ash Beetle, that has taken a 180° turn. Ash trees have been devastated across the country, and the determent is still yet to be fully understood.

Eastern Hercules Beetle (Dynastes tityus) - Larval specimen observed in Culpepper, Virginia

@leealloway, some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC)

On the topic of trees and changing environments, there is another interesting factor to consider when discussing the ecology of the Eastern Hercules beetle. Age is an important factor when discussing forest health. An ecoregion needs to include a wide variety of successional habitat types to support the preferences for our local biodiversity. As the centuries have proceeded since European colonization the extent of old-growth forests has drastically declined. Gone are the days of old hemlock painting the Blueridge Mountains, and our beloved ancient oaks are now a rarity, usually standing as a reminder of an old cattle field. Old trees (and old-growth forests) provide immensely important habitat and ecological service that is often overlooked. In regards to our Hercules beetle, the species has a preference for trees bearing the marks of advanced age - the cavities, or hollows that develop after a long life of enduring natural abrasiveness. As rot and decay set into these hollows, it produces an ideal kind of substrate composed of decayed and fermented bark and heartwood, with which the female Hercules beetle lays her eggs. This substrate provides nourishment for the developing larvae but can be uncommon in the secondary and early successional forests since young trees drop very little woody materials as they develop.

Much like large mammal species, our large coleopteran species, like the Hercules beetle, can be good indicators of general forest health. Although the forests of the Bull Run Mountains are far from ancient - being mostly cleared in the last century - they are serving as an oasis for many species which are finding themselves more and more surrounded by the development and urbanization of the D. C. Metropolitan Area. Abundant hardwood species are and will continue to be able to develop into a primary forest in the future to come and by doing so provide an ever more important sanctuary of biodiversity in our region.

Note from the editor: ~They also really like oranges~ R.I.P. Hairy the Hercules beetle

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this short article please leave a comment below to help us gauge community impact for our annual summary. Additionally, if you have any questions, comments, or corrections leave them below. While niche, this platform provides a unique opportunity for naturalists, professionals, and enthusiasts to share their insights and stories regarding the amazing biodiversity that surrounds all of us. If you are interested in visiting the Bull Run Mountains Natural Area preserve or attending public events, please check the links below for more information.

Please note that the VOF owned and operated Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve is protected by the Commonwealth of Virginia under the Virginia Department of Conservation Recourses. Except for certain specific situations, camping, fires, unleashed pets, hunting, off-road vehicles and removal or destruction of plants, animals, minerals or historic artifacts are prohibited. Please respect our community natural and cultural resources.

ABOUT #BullRunMountainsNaturalPreserve
The Bull Run Mountains are the easternmost mountains in Virginia. Virginia Outdoors Foundation - Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve is approximately 2,350 acres that serve as a living laboratory that sits in the backyard of our nation’s capital. The preserve contains 10 different plant community types and a plethora of regionally uncommon and threatened plant and animal species. In 2002, this land was dedicated by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation as a natural area preserve to protect the unique ecosystems found here. As the owner and manager of the preserve, the Virginia Outdoors Foundation is committed to protecting the special ecosystem found here and sharing it with the public through managed access.

Follow us on Social Media!
Instagram: @bullrunmountains
Facebook: Virginia Outdoors Foundation (Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve)
Our website: VOF RESERVES: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve
Meetup: Public events: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve Guided Hikes Group
Meetup: Volunteer opportunities: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve Volunteers

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 5, 2022 08:25 אחה"צ על ידי mjwcarr mjwcarr | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה

ספטמבר 9, 2022

Observation Highlight of the Week: Empidonax flaviventris (Yellow-bellied Flycatcher)

Observational Highlight #15: Empidonax flaviventris (Yellow-bellied Flycatcher)
Virginia Outdoors Foundation - Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve

© Jacob Saucier (@saucierj), some rights reserved (CC-BY)

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to another installment of our weekly observational highlight series for the Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve. This week's entry will dip back into the diverse avian biodiversity which occurs within the isolated eastern front of the Blue Ridge. We are lucky to have a small group of dedicated birders who have added to our understanding of the sky-bound fauna here at Bull Run. Observers uploading to the ebird hotspot located on our southern trail system has recorded over 110 species! This is nearly double the number of species recorded in this iNaturalist project, reinforcing the strengths, weaknesses, and values the variety of available citizen science resources bring to our goals of better understanding and recording natural observations. However, this week's highlight brings a species that has not yet been recorded in the south section of The Preserve, instead has been encountered at the restricted northern research outpost. Smithsonian ornithologist and friend of the preserve, @saucierj, captured this amazing shot during a recent visit - resulting in the addition of a valuable observation for an infrequently observed species in our area.

The yellow-bellied flycatcher is a seasonal migrant in the Tyrant flycatcher family, Tyrannidae, which includes approximately 400 species across their New World distribution. The Avian family is one of the largest in the world and observes some of the greatest diversity of any other family in the America's. Like many migrants, the species overwinters in the more equatorial latitudes of Southern Mexico and Central America. During the migration season, the species makes its way through our area en route to its breeding grounds around the Great Lakes and beyond into Canada. The species is insectivorous and prefers habitats consisting of wet forests. The species is also known for constructing a nest with sphagnum moss - hopefully, the low, wet temperate forest of Bull Runs Northern section is somewhat of an encouraging stop-off of what is come in the species' movement northward.

This species is not totally unknown in the area, and has been frequently recorded across both iNaturalist and eBird. The observation featured below is of another individual Yellow-bellied flycatcher observed at the Clifton Institute, another great natural sanctuary in Fauquier County. Based on these two pictures below you can see the subtle differences in coloration which were noted in the discussion of our Bull Run subject.

This feature also highlights one of the greatest aspects of iNaturalist - community collaboration! Empids, as the genus is known by the birding community, are notoriously difficult for the non-experts to identify. There is also a degree of subtle variation with the group which can make even seasoned veterans question their own identifications. This can prove both frustrating (as per this authors experience is identifying members of this genus) and as exciting challenge for those versed in both phenotypic and acoustic id. The individual highlighted this week is the later, as can be viewed in the discussion section of the observation. In addition to knowing field marks for an otherwise silent individual bird, the preserved specimen collection at the Smithsonian Institution served in reassuring that the seasonal variation in plumage corresponded correctly for that species. It's these sorts of back-and-forth conversations between skilled naturalist that provide those less adept to learn and develop in the realm of wildlife identification - especially for those tricky and uncommon species. This author definitely took something away from this observation and will be a better equipped naturalist for it.

We'll continue to take look into more of #BullRunMountains native avian species in a future #biodiversityhighlight.

© Bert Harris (@bertharris), some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC)

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this short article please leave a comment below to help us gauge community impact for our annual summary. Additionally, if you have any questions, comments, or corrections leave them below. While niche, this platform provides a unique opportunity for naturalists, professionals, and enthusiasts to share their insights and stories regarding the amazing biodiversity that surrounds all of us. If you are interested in visiting the Bull Run Mountains Natural Area preserve or attending public events, please check the links below for more information.

Please note that the VOF owned and operated Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve is protected by the Commonwealth of Virginia under the Virginia Department of Conservation Recourses. Except for certain specific situations, camping, fires, unleashed pets, hunting, off-road vehicles and removal or destruction of plants, animals, minerals or historic artifacts are prohibited. Please respect our community natural and cultural resources.

ABOUT #BullRunMountainsNaturalPreserve
The Bull Run Mountains are the easternmost mountains in Virginia. Virginia Outdoors Foundation - Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve is approximately 2,350 acres that serve as a living laboratory that sits in the backyard of our nation’s capital. The preserve contains 10 different plant community types and a plethora of regionally uncommon and threatened plant and animal species. In 2002, this land was dedicated by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation as a natural area preserve to protect the unique ecosystems found here. As the owner and manager of the preserve, the Virginia Outdoors Foundation is committed to protecting the special ecosystem found here and sharing it with the public through managed access.

Follow us on Social Media!
Instagram: @bullrunmountains
Facebook: Virginia Outdoors Foundation (Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve)
Our website: VOF RESERVES: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve
Meetup: Public events: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve Guided Hikes Group
Meetup: Volunteer opportunities: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve Volunteers

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 9, 2022 06:12 אחה"צ על ידי mjwcarr mjwcarr | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה

ספטמבר 23, 2022

Biodiversity Highlight - Series #3: Scarabaeidae of the Bull Run Mountains - Part Two

Biodiversity Highlight (Series #3: Part Two): Macrodactylus subspinosus (American Rose Chafer)
Virginia Outdoors Foundation - Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve

American Rose Chafer (Macrodactylus subspinosus) - Adult specimens observed on the Northern Sections of The Preserve

© Joe Villari (@jvillari), some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC) [Left]; © Jacob Saucier (@saucierj), some rights reserved (CC-BY) [Right]

Hello again everyone,

Welcome back the to our biodiversity highlight series on the Scarabaeidae of The Preserve at Bull Run Mountains. This week's entomological deep dive will be our second entry into the series investigating the Scarab beetles in our area. This large family illustrates some of the most diverse examples of diversity in color and appearance witnessed among Coleoptera. While somewhat mundane to the average gardener, this week's highlight is a remarkable example of the wonder found right under our noses. The rose chafer, or Macrodactylus subspinosus, is a small yellow/gold scarab beetle that may be the bane of any of our traditional English gardeners - but we'll circle back around to that shortly. This small, yellow/gold species of scarab measures about 7-11mm (or around a quarter inch) in length. It is more characterized by its appetite for roses but is physically distinct by sporting long, red legs lined with visible spines and long tarsal claws. The yellowish color of the elytra, thorax, and head are due to the integration of dense, broad setae (or hairs/scales) along the exoskeleton, which may wear off as the beetle ages. Like many other scarabs, this beetle sports a pair of short lamellate antennae terminating in a club of flat plates. In the traditional sense of insect sexual dimorphism, the females of this species are typically more robust than their male counterparts (the opposite of last week's highlight!). The rose chafer is ubiquitous across the Eastern United States and ranges from Quebec to Florida, east to Minnesota, and Texas.

The term chafer is one with a long history and is used colloquially for a variety of beetle species here in the United States and Europe. In the United Kingdom, the term Chafer can be used to describe several beetle species, including the European chafer and Cockchafer. While our rose chafer looks similar to these European examples of chafers, the colloquial descriptor falls short of the scientific classification as the three species are all in separate genera. When the species was first described in 1775, this wasn't the case, as our Macrodacytlyus subspinous was originally placed in the same genus as the Cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha) and listed as Melolontha subspinus. Generally, a chafer can mean any beetle found to be devouring the foliage of your garden or farm plants. Even more generally, chafer can loosely describe the entire subfamily to which our highlight species belongs, the Melolothinae. This subfamily includes the May beetles, June beetles, and ...well… chafers! It is one of the most diverse subfamilies in Scarabaeidae, consisting of about 750 genera and approximately 11000 species worldwide. Taking a closer look at the etymology of our subject's scientific name, Macrodactylus subspinosus. Both our genus and specific epithet take a literal approach to the description of the species. Macrodactylus means "big fingers", which fits well given the species' extended tarsi and claws. These exaggerated appendages make the species seem incredibly awkward while walking across your palm or on flower clusters. While our genus is a humorously blunt interpretation of the species, the specific epithet is a less interesting, but literal description of the organism - subspinous. This specific epithet is vaguely easy to interpret relating to the tarsal spines of the species, but this author would have liked to find the original description for more etymological history - the author did not find what he was looking for.

American Rose Chafer (Macrodactylus subspinosus) - A great visual example of the extended tarsi and tarsal claws of the rose chafer.

© Katja Schulz (@treegrow), some rights reserved (CC-BY)

The rose chafer is a common species that can be encountered across a variety of habitats, however, they are typically observed in old fields habitats, gardens, and forest edges (with specific regard given to their occurrence near vining plant species). They are most active as adults in the summer season between May and July. As mentioned above the rose chafer may rank up there with Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica) as far as garden nuisances go if you're a gardener. The species is notorious for targeting the foliage and flowers of roses, but can be found feeding on a great variety of native and ornamental plants - this list is by no means exhaustive, but demonstrates the adaptability of a hungry native species. Host plants include rose, peonies, grape, apple, birch, blackberry, cherry, dahlia, elder, elm, foxglove, geranium, hollyhock, hydrangea, pear, poppy, raspberry, Virginia creeper, and wisteria (Rosa spp., Paeonia spp., Vitis spp., Malus spp., Betula spp., Rubus spp., Prunus spp., Dahlia spp., Sambucus spp., Ulmus spp., Digitalis spp., Geranium spp., Alcea spp., Hydrangea spp., Pyrus spp., Papaver spp., Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Wisteria spp.). Damage can include the partial or total consumption of flower petals, and buds, and the skeletonization of foliage. Although not an invasive species, large quantities of beetles can descend on gardens and agricultural areas causing enough damage to warrant their classification as a pest species. Instances of dozens of beetles on one plant can be observed in extreme cases. This applied role as a pest species is assigned in varying degrees depending on your reference resource. Some classify the species as only a minor pest species, while others treat the species in a similar vein to more destructive species like the Japanese beetle. This harsher application of pests seems to have more roots in a time when the species was a greater nuisance and abundance.

As we have delved into in our other scarabaeoid species highlights, this species also includes a "white grub" form as a larva. Diverging from our previous trend, this species does not feed on decaying woody materials like the Dynastinae and Lucanidae but feeds on the living roots of grass species and non-crop plants. There are mixed references to the species damaging horticultural resources like turf. Unlike our previous entries, the rose chafer is a rather quick-lived species, hatching from its egg and completing its life cycle in about a year. Following the ingestion of all your garden plants (or more likely and commonly the flowers and foliage of the native plant species in our area), mating in sometimes large masses on plants, the female will lay her eggs in the soil near the host plant's base. The species prefers more sandy soils, which may account for them becoming horticultural pests as many gardeners mix sand into soils for better drainage. rose chafer grubs hatch after a few weeks and feed until the late fall when they pupate and overwinter. After emerging as adults in the following summer, adult beetles only live for about 4-6 weeks while searching for food and mates.

American Rose Chafer (Macrodactylus subspinosus) - Mating individuals; note the wore appearance of the female underneath [left]. Defoliation of host plant by individuals [Right]

© Shiva Shenoy (@shivashenoy), some rights reserved (CC-BY) [Left]; © Chad Wohlers (@chadwohl), some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC) [Right]

In a final note about the species, we are going to explore one of the most interesting adaptations this species has for self-defense. In regards to our previous beetle highlights, our subjects did not have much beyond their size and maybe their mandible/horns to protect them from larger predators - evolutionary tools which may provide little defense when faced with a large bird or snake. In regards to the rose chafer, this beetle is armed with a chemical defense that may not provide much in preventing its demise but demonstrates to the predator that this species is not one to target for a quick snack. This chemical defense is cantharidin, a chemical more associated with the Coleopteran family Meloidae, or blister beetles. While the species has no external mechanism to discourage predation, ingestion of the beetle is toxic to predators like birds. In the Meloidae, the chemical is excreted from the joints via "reflex bleeding" and can cause blisters to appear on the skin of a person handling them. The rose chafer is harmless to handle because the chemical is an internal deterrent, similar to the poisons carried by other brightly colored insect species, which warn would-be predators of their toxicity.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this short article please leave a comment below to help us gauge community impact for our annual summary. Additionally, if you have any questions, comments, or corrections leave them below. While niche, this platform provides a unique opportunity for naturalists, professionals, and enthusiasts to share their insights and stories regarding the amazing biodiversity that surrounds all of us. If you are interested in visiting the Bull Run Mountains Natural Area preserve or attending public events, please check the links below for more information.

Please note that the VOF-owned and operated Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve is protected by the Commonwealth of Virginia under the Virginia Department of Conservation Recourses. Except for certain specific situations, camping, fires, unleashed pets, hunting, off-road vehicles, and removal or destruction of plants, animals, minerals, or historic artifacts are prohibited. Please respect our community's natural and cultural resources.

ABOUT #BullRunMountainsNaturalPreserve
The Bull Run Mountains are the easternmost mountains in Virginia. Virginia Outdoors Foundation - Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve is approximately 2,350 acres that serve as a living laboratory that sits in the backyard of our nation’s capital. The preserve contains 10 different plant community types and a plethora of regionally uncommon and threatened plant and animal species. In 2002, this land was dedicated by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation as a natural area preserve to protect the unique ecosystems found here. As the owner and manager of the preserve, the Virginia Outdoors Foundation is committed to protecting the special ecosystem found here and sharing it with the public through managed access.

Follow us on Social Media!
Instagram: @bullrunmountains
Facebook: Virginia Outdoors Foundation (Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve)
Our website: VOF RESERVES: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve
Meetup: Public events: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve Guided Hikes Group
Meetup: Volunteer opportunities: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve Volunteers

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 23, 2022 07:04 אחה"צ על ידי mjwcarr mjwcarr | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה

ספטמבר 29, 2022

Observation Highlight of the Week: Monotropa hypopitys (Pinesap)

Observational Highlight #16: Monotropa hypopitys (Pinesap)
Virginia Outdoors Foundation - Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve

Monotropa hypopitys (Pinesap): A recent observation of pinesap along the southern section of The Preserve.

© @forestbathing, some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC)

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to another installment of our weekly observational highlight series for the Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve. Last weekend the preserve held a successful herpetological-focused BioBlitz, resulting in the observation of some amazing amphibian and reptile species. While we wait for all resulting photos and notes to be uploaded to the project by the participants we will be taking a look at an amazing, but scales-less species found in our mountain sanctuary. Don't worry herp enthusiast, there are much more reptiles and amphibian content to come - especially in future #biodiversityhightlights. While herps abounded, another botanical species is abounding across the Bull Run forests - Pinesap! Monotropa hypopitys, an achlorophyllous and mycoheterotrophic plant widely distributed across the United States are currently in bloom here in Northern Virginia. At a quick glance, this species of the non-photosynthesizing plant could be misidentified as some sort of fungus, however, upon closer inspection, these species boast conspicuous flowers with a fragment, pungent smell. We're in the second flowering season of the year, so if you happen to miss these while out visiting the preserve, keep your eyes out in the spring!

Like many native species, Pinesap is known by a variety of colloquial names, including Dutchman's pipe, false beech-drops, pinesap, or yellow bird's-nest. Some of these seem more understandable than others, but the appearance of this plant can vary dramatically as it ages and the surface growth dies. The similarities between the dead above-ground growth of this species are incredibly reminiscent of beech drops, Epifagus virginiana (another parasitic native plant), which is reflected in the common name false beech drop (see below). It also has a very similar appearance to another species of Monotropa found on The Preserve, ghost pipe, Monotropa uniflora. A quick and dirty method of identification for these species can be done by the stark difference in color between species, though rare variances can create overlap. We'll save a more intricate series of identification methods in a future review of the Genus.

The roles in which this species plays in the greater ecosystem are incredibly interesting and deserve a more in-depth discussion in a future #biodiversityhighlight. Until then, keep your eyes primed for more amazing Autumnal natural phenomena!

© Izabella Farr (@izafarr), some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC) [Left]; © @lisam, some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC)

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this short article please leave a comment below to help us gauge community impact for our annual summary. Additionally, if you have any questions, comments, or corrections leave them below. While niche, this platform provides a unique opportunity for naturalists, professionals, and enthusiasts to share their insights and stories regarding the amazing biodiversity that surrounds all of us. If you are interested in visiting the Bull Run Mountains Natural Area preserve or attending public events, please check the links below for more information.

Please note that the VOF owned and operated Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve is protected by the Commonwealth of Virginia under the Virginia Department of Conservation Recourses. Except for certain specific situations, camping, fires, unleashed pets, hunting, off-road vehicles and removal or destruction of plants, animals, minerals or historic artifacts are prohibited. Please respect our community natural and cultural resources.

ABOUT #BullRunMountainsNaturalPreserve
The Bull Run Mountains are the easternmost mountains in Virginia. Virginia Outdoors Foundation - Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve is approximately 2,350 acres that serve as a living laboratory that sits in the backyard of our nation’s capital. The preserve contains 10 different plant community types and a plethora of regionally uncommon and threatened plant and animal species. In 2002, this land was dedicated by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation as a natural area preserve to protect the unique ecosystems found here. As the owner and manager of the preserve, the Virginia Outdoors Foundation is committed to protecting the special ecosystem found here and sharing it with the public through managed access.

Follow us on Social Media!
Instagram: @bullrunmountains
Facebook: Virginia Outdoors Foundation (Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve)
Our website: VOF RESERVES: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve
Meetup: Public events: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve Guided Hikes Group
Meetup: Volunteer opportunities: Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve Volunteers

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 29, 2022 03:24 אחה"צ על ידי mjwcarr mjwcarr | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה