יומן של The Okanagana Citizen Science Project

ארכיון יומן של ספטמבר 2020

ספטמבר 21, 2020

The End of a Season

It's the end of another Okanagana season and like everything else this year it's been a weird one. The rediscovery of Okanagana arctostaphylae after 105 years, 4 of the mysterious Bliven taxa randomly showing up in Eugene, Oregon, and fantastic finds from an O. catalina flying into someone's car before they left the island to hand raised O. arboraria. Other places that have been hopping in other years were practically devoid of Okanagana to our complete bafflement but had other genera in abundance.

Jeff and I will now be able to start molecular work in February thanks to the huge number of taxa collected by the folks here on iNaturalist. You have all helped fill in major gaps, many of which we though would never be filled. The last few are some highly targeted species that require going to very specific areas in hopes of finding them.

Tomorrow the last two mailers make their way back to me and I can get a good look at the last two sets of cicadas that were collected. One includes the quite uncommon Okanagana gibbera.

A big thanks to all of you!

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 21, 2020 11:30 לפנה"צ על ידי willc-t willc-t | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה