Identifying Phylica

By @knysna_wildflowers

Useful features

Sepals: (petals hidden: sepals are visible) - shape: linear / awl / triangular (most)
bracts: plumose / shield - enlarged petiole / linear
Leaves: open-backed, half open, completely closed, saddle-shaped

colours useful - usually consistent.

Into 4 major sections.

  1. axillary flowers
    small group - ID should be easy.
    flowers in a terminal head:

  2. plumose bracts (NW area)
  3. well formed involucre - solid leaves :: capitula - most common group.
  4. naked

other groups

  • Baviaanskloof and east. :: long flowered pink.


Must have flowers

  1. habit (single-multi, shape and size)
  2. leaves - shape, angle, hairy, apex and base.
  3. capitulum from the side
  4. capitulum top: shape, size, colour.

About 10 potential new species.

  • Phylica rooibergensis
  • Phylica witsand
  • Phylica prinskraal
  • Phylica knersvlakte
  • Phylica quaggasberg
  • Phylica pillansii
הועלה ב-יוני 7, 2024 04:15 אחה"צ על ידי tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Phylica ericoides: near sea, sepals yellow green, petals invisible - most common along the dunes.

a few with hairy fruit.

פורסם על-ידי tonyrebelo לפני 3 חודשים

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