◦ Peter Linder, Serge Haemmerli & Dave Underwood

◦ Serge did a lot of the detailed descriptions while he was doing his thesis - so there is a good base and there is also some genetic work under the belt.
Peter and I have since done hundreds of additional descriptions

◦ We are working on the key at the moment and how best to group the species

◦ There are a number of species in the Pillans revision which will probably be lumped. Habitat differences result in wide differences of leaf size and habit – but flower details seem to be reasonably consistent

◦ Several new species – maybe 10 to 20 – will be checking these in Q4 this year at the Herb

◦ Trying to collect and photograph as many species as possible. Some of the more inaccessible species still remain to be located.

◦ Should be able to finalize a draft early next year?

Dave Underwood

הועלה ב-יוני 12, 2024 05:23 אחה"צ על ידי tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


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