יומן של Pacific Newt Roadkill (Main Project)- Lexington Reservoir

ארכיון יומן של ינואר 2024

ינואר 26, 2024

Pacific Newt Mortality at Lexington Reservoir - January 2024

The mortality rate this season is about a third of what it was last season. At first, this might sound like a good thing - not as many newts are being killed. However, it really means the population has been significantly reduced and not as many newts are migrating. January usually sees the heaviest newt mortality, but so far this month the team has reported only 25% of what it was last year.

This population is in danger of extirpation!


Updated chart on 2/8/2024.

הועלה ב-ינואר 26, 2024 03:22 אחה"צ על ידי truthseqr truthseqr | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה