יומן של Karoo BioGaps

ארכיון יומן של אוקטובר 2018

אוקטובר 4, 2018

Please Help with Identifications

Identifications of BioGaps observations is proving very slow. This is probably because the project ran over a dry and many observations are of heavily browsed flowerless observations.
Please can you help with identifications: priority groups and links to them are listed at the bottom of this posting as comments.

Overall summary of data for Biogaps Bioblitz Surveys:
Taxon spp-level IDs Total observations % IDs to spp Species so far:
Total 2864 9211 31% 748
Plants 2509 7360 34% 582
Plants excl Fungi 2509 6874 36% 582

Summary of Biogaps Bioblitz Survey data by family
Taxon spp-level IDs Total observations % IDs to spp Species so far: Sum proportion Proportion
ID Above Family 0 400 0 (5.8%)
Asteraceae 465 1556 30% 96 22.6% 22.6%
Poaceae 186 775 24% 44 33.9% 11.3%
Aizoaceae 218 630 35% 55 43.1% 9.2%
Asparagaceae 84 441 19% 28 49.5% 6.4%
Scrophulariaceae 121 398 30% 25 55.3% 5.8%
Solanaceae 43 304 14% 9 59.7% 4.4%
Fabaceae 73 255 29% 16 63.4% 3.7%
Malvaceae 67 219 31% 18 66.6% 3.2%
Anacardiaceae 65 119 55% 10 68.3% 1.7%
Iridaceae 58 98 59% 9 69.8% 1.4%
Apocyanaceae 65 103 63% 12 71.3% 1.5%
Crassulaceae 42 96 44% 16 72.7% 1.4%
Euphorbiaceae 41 69 59% 12 73.7% 1.0%
Asphodelaceae 40 97 41% 17 75.1% 1.4%
Amaranthaceae 32 99 32% 10 76.5% 1.4%
Ebenaceae 41 97 42% 8 77.9% 1.4%
Oxalidaceae 107 159 67% 10 80.2% 2.3%
Zygophyllaceae 33 74 45% 5 81.3% 1.1%
הועלה ב-אוקטובר 4, 2018 07:36 לפנה"צ על ידי tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 6 תגובות | הוספת תגובה

אוקטובר 8, 2018

Summary of BioGaps Plots.

Plots for permanent observation posts. Order by degree South and then west to east.
Observations and species for plants only - see the observation for other groups.

Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3050_2500
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3055_2540

Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3135_2030
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3150_2045 Obligatory: 0 Obs - 12 spp
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3140_2120
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3155_2125

Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3140_2210
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3120_2215
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3135_2240
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3105_2245
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3155_2250
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3140_2320
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3125_2330 Optional: 326 obs -97 spp
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3155_2330
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3130_2355

Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3155_2405
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3135_2410
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3125_2455
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3115_2525
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3130_2540

Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3150_2605
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3125_2610
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3140_2640

Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3240_2020
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3230_2050
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3205_2055
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3215_2115
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3250_2125

Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3215_2140
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3210_2150
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3240_2150

Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3200_2215
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3215_2240
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3235_2240
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3215_2305
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3245_2315
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3225_2335
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3210_2345

Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3225_2425
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3210_2445
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3225_2455
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3240_2455
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3230_2510
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3255_2535
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3225_2540
Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3205_2545

Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3230_2615

Biogaps (s Afr) Pentad 3300_2455

הועלה ב-אוקטובר 8, 2018 09:56 לפנה"צ על ידי tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה
