Discovered the species of my favourite tree!

A small note but a personally exciting one! I love Toronto for its ravines - you can walk for 10+ km in a variety of amazing river valleys throughout the city and see deer, raccoons, herons and a huge diversity of lovely wildlife right in the heart of a city with nearly 3 million people. That's pretty special!

On my route down the Humber River close to home there's a tree that is easily the most beautiful I've ever seen. It's got thick rutted bark at the bottom but as it gets higher it becomes a delicate white like a birch tree. It's got dark green leaves - but wait, on the other side they are a beautiful deep white - and in the breeze it shimmers like silver!

With the unusual bark and leaves and the fact that the leaves look two different ways too I had no idea what it was! I shared all the pictures of it yesterday on INaturalist and found out it was a white poplar! My enjoyment of my little walk and my favourite tree are just so much greater now, and anytime I go out with friends and spot one I'll start overexcitedly sharing my journey of discovery!

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 17, 2020 06:35 אחה"צ על ידי jessehildebrand jessehildebrand


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