One week to go!

In just seven days BackyardBio officially kicks off! Over 50 teachers from coast to coast have registered already and we're just starting the process of connecting them all with one another - an exciting beginning to a really fun project.

With the support of several major sanctuaries, science organizations and conservation groups across North America we're really excited to get underway and to see what kids around the world can spot and share from their backyards!

This project will be the pilot for a twice annual extravaganza of nature in September and May annually - and may well turn into something even bigger. It's really been heartening to hear the chorus of partners and educators get excited about the prospect of spending a little time in nature really taking it in to see what's out there.

And really, it need not be a great white shark or african elephant for it to be thrilling (though they sure are!). Roly poly bugs being crustaceans (crustaceans!) with armored defenses, ants conducting raids and warfare on one another for territory, cuckoo birds parasitizing nests, squirrels remembering the location of hundreds of buried nuts to sustain them through the winter - there is drama and magic in the animal world wherever you look.

Here's hoping we get a lot of people looking! Thanks for the support so far and I can't wait to see what you'll share with us!

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 24, 2020 03:03 אחה"צ על ידי jessehildebrand jessehildebrand


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