ארכיון יומן של ינואר 2021

ינואר 14, 2021

Species still to observe: southern Africa

I have compiled a rough species list for southern Africa and cross-referenced it with the species observed on iNaturalist (does not extend northwards of Namibia, Botswana, Zimababwe and Mozambique). There may be a few errors but I thought it would be interesting to see how many species we have got a research grade observation for and which species have not yet been observed.

We have observed 632 species of the 783 known species, which is just over 80 %. Here are the species that are missing:

Acontias aurantiacus
Acontias bicolor
Acontias fitzsimonsi
Acontias gariepensis
Acontias percivali
Acontias richardi
Acontias schmitzi
Acontias wakkerstroomensis
Afroedura broadleyi
Afroedura granitica
Afroedura leoloensis
Afroedura loveridgei
Afroedura major
Afroedura maripi
Afroedura rondavelica
Afroedura rupestris
Afroedura tembulica
Afroedura tirasensis
Amietia inyangae
Amietia vandijki
Amnirana galamensis
Anhydrophryne ngongoniensis
Aparallactus nigriceps
Arthroleptella rugosa
Arthroleptella subvoce
Arthroleptis troglodytes
Arthroleptis wageri
Arthroleptis xenochirus
Aspidelaps infuscatus
Atheris mabuensis
Bitis albanica
Bitis inornata
Bradypodion karrooicum
Capensibufo magistratus
Chersobius boulengeri
Chirindia swynnertoni
Chondrodactylus fitzsimonsi
Chondrodactylus laevigatus
Cordylus aridus
Cordylus cloetei
Cordylus imkeae
Cordylus machadoi
Cordylus mclachlani
Cordylus meculae
Cordylus minor
Dalophia longicauda
Dipsadoboa montisilva
Elapsoidea guentherii
Elasmodactylus tuberculosus
Goggia gemmula
Goggia matzikamaensis
Hyperolius acuticeps
Ichnotropis grandiceps
Leptopelis argenteus
Leptopelis broadleyi
Leptopelis parbocagii
Leptotyphlops distanti
Leptotyphlops sylvicolus
Leptotyphlops telloi
Lycodonomorphus mlanjensis
Lycodonomorphus obscuriventris
Lycophidion multimaculatum
Lycophidion semiannule
Lygodactylus graniticolus
Lygodactylus montiscaeruli
Lygodactylus regulus
Lygodactylus waterbergensis
Meroles micropholidotus
Mertensophryne anotis
Mertensophryne lindneri
Mertensophryne loveridgei
Monopeltis anchietae
Monopeltis decosteri
Monopeltis leonhardi
Monopeltis rhodesiana
Monopeltis sphenorhynchus
Montaspis gilvomaculata
Mopanveldophis zebrinus
Nadzikambia baylissi
Namazonurus campbelli
Namazonurus namaquensis
Namibiana labialis
Nothophryne baylissi
Nothophryne inagoensis
Nothophryne ribauensis
Nothophryne unilurio
Nucras aurantiaca
Nucras caesicaudata
Pachydactylus acuminatus
Pachydactylus boehmei
Pachydactylus caraculicus
Pachydactylus etultra
Pachydactylus gaiasensis
Pachydactylus goodi
Pachydactylus griffini
Pachydactylus kobosensis
Pachydactylus maclachlani
Pachydactylus macrolepis
Pachydactylus otaviensis
Pachydactylus parascutatus
Pachydactylus sansteynae
Pachydactylus scutatus
Pachydactylus waterbergensis
Pachydactylus werneri
Pedioplanis benguellensis
Pedioplanis haackei
Philothamnus macrops
Philothamnus ornatus
Phrynobatrachus parvulus
Phrynobatrachus perpalmatus
Phrynomantis affinis
Platysaurus chimanimaniensis
Platysaurus guttatus
Platysaurus pungweensis
Poyntonophrynus beiranus
Poyntonophrynus kavangensis
Probreviceps rhodesianus
Ptychadena mapacha
Ptychadena uzungwensis
Pyxicephalus angusticeps
Rhampholeon bruessoworum
Rhampholeon maspictus
Rhampholeon nebulauctor
Rhinotyphlops boylei
Rhoptropus biporosus
Rhoptropus diporus
Rieppeleon brachyurus
Scelotes arenicolus
Scelotes guentheri
Sepsina alberti
Smaug barbertonensis
Smaug mossambicus
Smaug regius
Strongylopus springbokensis
Strongylopus wageri
Telescopus finkeldeyi
Tetradactylus eastwoodae
Tomopterna damarensis
Trachylepis chimbana
Typhlacontias johnsonii
Typhlacontias punctatissimus
Typhlosaurus braini
Vandijkophrynus amatolicus
Vandijkophrynus inyangae
Vandijkophrynus nubicola
Xenocalamus sabiensis
Xenopus poweri
Zygaspis ferox
Zygaspis kafuensis
Zygaspis niger
Zygaspis violacea

הועלה ב-ינואר 14, 2021 04:04 אחה"צ על ידי alexanderr alexanderr | 0 תגובות | הוספת תגובה

ינואר 20, 2021

Four new Angolan species of Flat Geckos (Afroedura)

In a tribute to Bill Branch, four new species are described from Angola:

Afroedura donveae - which Bill named after his wife
Afreodura wulfhaackei - named after Wulf Haacke, ex Transvaal Museum herpetologist that was the first person to collect these geckos from Angola since the original type description
Afroedura vazpintorum - named after Afonso and Pedro Vaz Pinto, father and son team of Angolan naturalist and herpetologist
Afroedura praedicta - new species from Serre de Neve where Bill predicted a undescribed species to be present

Live photos: A. Afroedura bogerti; B. Afroedura wulfhaackei sp. nov.; C. Afroedura praedicta sp. nov. ; D. Afroedura donveae sp. nov.; E & F. Afroedura vazpintorum sp. nov.

Distribution ranges

"The description of these new species significantly restricts the distribution range of typical A. bogerti, a morphologically very similar species, from which they differ genetically by 5.9–12% divergence for the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene. Morphologically and genetically, Angolan Afroedura are divided into two main groups: a mostly south-western coastal group and a west-central inland/highland group. These two groups are further divisible into three and two subgroups respectively, all geographically isolated, differing by a combination of the following features: colouration, average adult size, number of mid-body scale rows, number of scale rows on dorsal and ventral surface of each tail verticil and if nostril scales are in contact or not. All five Angolan species are morphologically distinguishable and in agreement with the molecular results. An updated dichotomous key to the Afroedura transvaalica group is provided."

Branch, W.R., Schmitz, A., Lobón-Rovira, J., Baptista, N.L., António, T. and Conradie, W., 2021. Rock island melody: A revision of the Afroedura bogerti Loveridge, 1944 group, with descriptions of four new endemic species from Angola. Zoosystematics and Evolution, 97, p.55.


הועלה ב-ינואר 20, 2021 12:22 אחה"צ על ידי alexanderr alexanderr | 3 תגובות | הוספת תגובה