Little River Canyon National Preserve Bioblitz - May 19 at 8 AM to May 21 at 8 PM

Plan on coming out sometime from Friday, May 19th to Sunday, May 21st to help us document the flora and fauna of the park. This service-wide initiative is a chance to inspire and engage a new generation of stewards of our fantastic natural resources, all while taking a vast snapshot of the biodiversity that is protected by our nation's parks.

You can choose an easy area or challenge yourself on a canyon trail. We are lining up specialists to help discover fish, amphibians and reptiles, birds or any creature or plant that call this place home. If you are interested in leading a group in the park to document species in your field of expertise, then please call Larry @ 256-845-9605. The more specialists we have to lead these discovery hikes, the more the public can explore, learn and become Citizen Scientists by helping to record the presence and distribution of our species! So come out, get involved, and help us to document the richness of Little River Canyon National Preserve!

Where/Time: Fort Payne, Alabama-Little River Canyon National Preserve. Locations to be determined, call 256-845-3548 for details (NPS Ranger Larry Beane)

הועלה ב-מאי 8, 2017 09:29 אחה"צ על ידי friel friel


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