Declivitata larvalis (Mulsant 1850)

Original description in:
Mulsant, E. 1850. Species des coléoptères trimères sécuripalpes. Annales des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, d'Agriculture et d'Industrie (2) 2
Translated from French:
Subhemispherical. Prothorax flavous, adorned with a basal border with five teeth, the medial of which forms the foot of an almost cup-shaped spot, black. Elytra decorated with a sutural border, and a marginal and each with a longitudinal black band: the latter without curvature at its base, extended up to three-quarters; adorned on each side of it with a testaceous-red band on a yellow background. Black belly. Femora partly black.

Differential diagnosis by Fürsch:
Smaller than D. uncifera and D. olivieri, broadly oval. The black elytral stripe is bordered on both sides with yellow and then red stripes. This black longitudinal stripe reaches the base of the elytra. Reticulation and punctuation on pronotum and elytra clearly pronounced.

iNat observation:

הועלה ב-אוגוסט 16, 2024 12:48 אחה"צ על ידי traianbertau traianbertau


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