Stips costata (Westwood 1837)

The genus Stips is represented by 3 species in South Africa:
Stips costata Westwood 1837 with two subspecies: S. c. costata and S. c. grandis
Stips cassidioides
Stips gebieni

Original description and illustration in:
Westwood, O. J. 1837 in: Magasin de zoology

Black, opaque, with punctuation, head with a raised central longitudinal line, thoracic disc finely punctate, and in the middle equipped with two posteriorly diverging costae; antennae and feet piceous.

Stips costata grandis is known from Namaqualand and described in Hesse 1952
Koch C (1952b) The Tenebrionidae of southern Africa. VIII. Materials for a monographic study on Eurychorini (Coleoptera). Bulletin de la Société Fouad 1er d‘Entomologie 36: 1–125 + Plates I–XIII.

Distribution: South Africa south of the Orange River (Great Karroo, Namaqualand, Bushmanland)

Also illustrated in Koch 1955
Plate 2, figure 5:

iNat observations:

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