Spring Migration 2017 - Report 2: Palm Warblers, Eastern Towhee and White-throated Sparrow

On a quick 15 minute morning (aprox. 8:30-9:00) walk through Woodlands I observed Palm Warblers and plenty of White-throated Sparrow. A few minutes beofre 9:00, at the Biopond I observed a Eastern Towhee kicking up the underbrush, more White-throated Sparrows and what I think was a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Photos to follow). The interesting thing about the sapsucker was the "cryptic" pattern on its back - patchy pattern of black and white.

הועלה ב-אפריל 18, 2017 01:17 אחה"צ על ידי j-naturalist j-naturalist


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