North Section - March 20, 2024

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Jennifer and Oscar walked the North section of Alma Bridge Road, from the Lexington County Park parking lot to the 2nd stop sign.

Time: 8:59 am - 10:35 am
Weather: clear skies, no wind. The temperature started at 49 degrees F, and climbed to 63 degrees F. when we finished.

Jennifer documented: 4 adult newts, and 1 juvenile newt. Two were found on the hill side, and 3 were found on the Resevoir side. No live newts.
Oscar documented 3 adult newts. No live newts.

Other roadkill: 1 toad, 1 probable earthworm

Traffic -2 pedestrians; 26 cars; 2 bicyclists; 17 parked cars; 6 trucks; 2 large (3+ axle) trucks
(: there were a group of bicyclists that were starting their ride on Alma Bridge Road, right before we started our survey. We didn't obtain their numbers)

Jennifer's observations of the day:

הועלה ב-מרץ 27, 2024 05:42 אחה"צ על ידי motherpurina motherpurina


@motherpurina , I don't see Oscar's observations in the project. Has he uploaded them yet? What's his user ID?

פורסם על-ידי truthseqr לפני 3 חודשים

I asked him to upload his observations after our patrol. I haven't heard back from him. Unfortunately, I don't know his user name on iNaturalist.

פורסם על-ידי motherpurina לפני 3 חודשים

@merav, do you have Oscar's contact info?

פורסם על-ידי truthseqr לפני 3 חודשים

email: I did email him yesterday, to which he replied. He told me that he had uploaded his observations from 3/27, and would be uploading the observations from 3/21 shortly.

פורסם על-ידי motherpurina לפני 3 חודשים

@motherpurina, thanks for Oscar's contact info. His observations from 3/27 are not in the project. Do you know if he was trained how to upload them and add them to the project? I'll contact him and urge him to upload all observations. We're sending March data to UC Davis for analysis at the end of the month.

פורסם על-ידי truthseqr לפני 3 חודשים

@motherpurina, @merav, I found Oscar's ID (@olmace). He uploaded his observations, but they weren't added to the project. I added them.

פורסם על-ידי truthseqr לפני 3 חודשים

Thanks, Anne. I'll email him as well regarding the observations and the journal post.

פורסם על-ידי merav לפני 3 חודשים

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