Caliscelis (Melanero) nero Fennah 1967

The genus Caliscelis was erected by Laporte for caliscelids with decorative forelegs and named after them (καλή = beautiful; σχελίς = legs).
Only 3 species are known from Southern Africa.
Caliscelis can be easily distinguished from related genera in the region by the flattend leaf-shaped fore or middle femora and by the obtuse angle (105°–110°) at which coryphe (vertex) and metope (frons) join.

Male, length, 2. 8 mm. Female, length, 3. 9 mm. Femora and tibiae of fore and middle legs laterally compressed, lower margins of femora foliately expanded, anterior margins of tibiae foliaceous, less so in mesotibiae than in protibiae; post-tibiae with one spine laterally, six apically, in female a foliaceous ridge extending from base to apex. Tegmina in side view with dorsal margin weakly hollowed in male, straight in female, venation indistinct.
Male: Black or dark fuscous; lateral pustules and margins on frons and vertex tawny or light yellowish brown, pronotum, except at anterior margin and immediately below eyes, first visible abdominal segment, except at anterior margin, about six longitudinal spots on tergites of following two segments, and posterolateral angles of fifth to eighth tergites, creamy white. Tegmina with three longitudinal veins and an oblique fascia from Sc+ R at middle to near anal angle, creamy white.
Female: Light yellowish-brown, almost uniformly speckled with fuscous spots, genae near antennae and antennae, fuscous. Tegmina of same colour as body.
In C. nero, all parts of body almost regularly gray with dark spots; only paranota paler than general coloration, but also with spots. In C. larvata, paranota and costal areas without spots.

Original description & illustrations in:
Fennah R. G. 1967 - New and little known Fulgoroidea from South Africa (Homoptera). Annals of the Natal Museum 18(3)

Recorded so far only from South Africa, Lesotho and DR Congo.
Type locality: Rustenburg, North West, South Africa

iNat observation:

Key to Afrotropical Caliscelidae in:
Gnezdilov, V. & Bourgoin, T. 2009. First record of the family Caliscelidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from Madagascar, with description of new taxa from the Afrotropical Region and biogeographical notes. Zootaxa, 2020: 1–36. 10.11646/zootaxa.2020.1.1.

הועלה ב-מרץ 19, 2024 11:01 לפנה"צ על ידי traianbertau traianbertau


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