Locris rhodesiana Distant 1908

This species has a very distinct coloration of the tegmina being red basally and cream-ocraceous apically with dark spots.

Original description in:
Distant, W.L., 1908. Rhynchotal notes. XLV. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London. (Ser. 8). 2.

Head, pronotum, and scutellum black; a lateral spot on head in front of eyes and lateral and posterior margins of pronotum sanguineous; abdomen above sanguineous, shaded with black, especially near base and apex; body beneath and legs blackish, apices of the femora, and the whole of the tibiae sanguineous; tegmina with the basal third sanguineous, remaining area creamy-white, darkening to pale ochraceous between the veins on apical area, a large black oblique spot commencing on costal margin of apical area, and the apical marginal area irregularly spotted with piceous; wings hyaline, about basal third and the apical margin piceous, extreme base sanguineous; face globose; pronotum coarsely punctate but not rugose, tegmina with the veins very prominent, and the surface between them foveately depressed except on basal third.
Long., excl. tegm., 6 mm.; exp. tegm. 18 mm.

Type locality: 'N.W. Rhodesia; W. of Medona'
This species has also GBIF collection records from South Africa (Himeville, Drakensberg and Rustenburg, North West Province).

iNat observation:

הועלה ב-פברואר 20, 2024 05:56 לפנה"צ על ידי traianbertau traianbertau


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