North section - 11/09/2023

Thursday, 8:45-10:33 am. 14 dead newts, no live newts
Weather: cold. We got a little rain in San Jose over the weekend.
Coverage: Jones trailhead to the second stop sign. I walked with Robin.
We documented 14 dead newts. I had 7 dead newts, Robin had 8. All were pretty dry. At least 2 were tiny juveniles.
Other roadkill: millipedes, centipedes, camel and Jerusalem crickets, a katydid, a tree frog.
Traffic - 22 cars, 11 trucks, 0 motorcycles, 2 bikes, 2 pedestrians, 10 parked cars (0 cars at the farther parking lot).
My observations of the day -
Robin's -

הועלה ב-נובמבר 9, 2023 09:43 אחה"צ על ידי merav merav


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