African Pre-Mavericks

Kept pegging away and I am done. Have looked at all the Pre-Mavericks for the continent of Africa.

Some - looked at doubtfully and Mark as Reviewed Next.
Some - helped to RG. Extra points when they have, count them, very few obs!
Some - nudged along with whines and @mentions.

My URL says 4 355 obs reviewed. Not just light at the end of the tunnel. But OUT of the tunnel, back in daylight.

Back to the slow lane with Unknowns on the Cape Peninsula. Recharging batteries ahead of the Great Southern Bioblitz.

103.6 K IDs across iNat.

הועלה ב-ספטמבר 3, 2023 02:40 אחה"צ על ידי dianastuder dianastuder


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