Keep On Identifying!

This is just a reminder that we have through Sunday, May 7th, to finish uploading observations and make identifications. On Monday morning, May 8th, 9 AM our time, the City Nature Challenge will declare our final numbers and let us know later that day.

We are actually doing great so far! At the moment, we have 2,944 observations of 804 species made by 218 observers. There have been 243 identifiers working on all the observations – thank you so much! Tom Norton, @tsn, has contributed an astounding 882 identifications for others – thank you, Tom!

But there are still 1,107 observations that need identifying. Not all of these can be identified to species, however. A fuzzy photo of a tiny spider from 5 feet away will likely never make Research Grade, but if two people agree that it’s a spider and one person marks it “as good as can be” in the Data Quality Assessment, the observation will move out of Needs ID and become Casual. Casual observations still count for the CNC and are still available for spider experts to look at in the future, so you may want to mark some of your own observations “as good as can be” to help reduce the Needs ID pile.

And since we are nearing the end of the Challenge, it’s time to ask you what changes you’d like to see for next year. We can all hope for a warmer, sunnier weekend next year, but guaranteeing that is beyond our control. But are there more or different kinds of field trips you’d like to attend, or do you prefer to go out on your own? Did you find the journal posts helpful? Many CNC cities and regions involve high school and college students; can you suggest some ways we could make that happen? (Email notifications didn’t garner much response.) Should Berkshire County be spun off into its own CNC region, or should we take over western Worcester County, or should we just stay the same? What else can we do to involve more people? Thanks for any responses you can give!

---Lynn Harper and Melanie Radik, co-organizers

הועלה ב-מאי 5, 2023 01:33 אחה"צ על ידי lynnharper lynnharper


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