Initial Numbers and Thank You!

Whew! The four days of the Western Mass City Nature Challenge are almost finished (although you have till midnight tonight, if you have any energy left). Thank you all so much for hiking with us or by yourselves, making thousands of observations on iNaturalist. We hope you had fun and appreciate even more the wonderful biodiversity of our region.

We particularly want to thank our field trip leaders: Charley Eiseman (@ceiseman), Karro Frost (@karro_frost), and May Gryzbowski (@maygrz). Thank you!!

Here’s where the numbers stand as of 7 PM May 1st:

  • 2,736 observations
  • 744 species
  • 200 observers
  • 202 identifiers

Wow!!! And there’s more to come: remember, you have through Sunday, May 7th, to upload your observations and help confirm the observations of others. We’ll be back tomorrow with another post to help you with that process. In fact, there are three workshops tomorrow to help with making identifications:

Wildlife Species Identification with iNaturalist - VIRTUAL
Tuesday, May 2, 2023; 10-11 AM

This workshop takes place entirely online over Zoom. We'll get to know the built-in iNaturalist tools for species identification, as well as the rich online and print resources available at UMass for field guides and species ID tools. Similar guides may be available at your local library. You'll leave the workshop having contributed to at least one species ID. A two-screen setup is strongly recommended, to have Zoom open in one screen and your own iNaturalist account open in the other with the web interface, but it is not required. This workshop will be recorded and posted openly on the web. Registering indicates assent to be in a recorded session. To sign up, follow the link to the event page and register with your name and email. You will be sent the Zoom link.

Wildlife Species Identification with iNaturalist
Tuesday, May 2, 2023: 4-5 PM; Science and Engineering Library in the Lederle Graduate Research Center, UMass, Amherst

This in-person workshop takes place in the Learning Studio of the Science and Engineering Library. We'll get to know the built-in iNaturalist tools for species identification, as well as the rich online and print resources available at UMass for field guides and species ID tools. Similar guides may be available at your local library. You'll leave the workshop having contributed to at least one species ID. To sign up, follow the link to the event page and register with your name and email.

Wildlife Species Identification with iNaturalist
Tuesday, May 2, 7-9 PM, Millers River Environmental Center, 100 Main St., Athol

Join us in-person at the Millers River Environmental Center as we add identifications to the CNC observations on iNaturalist. Bring your laptop (if that’s convenient, but it’s not necessary) and your field guides. We’ll learn how identifications work on iNaturalist, puzzle through the difficult species together, and tell stories about what we saw. Everyone is welcome; no registration is necessary.

On Monday, May 8th, the global City Nature Challenge staff will publish a summary of the official results for all the cities and regions taking part; we’ll certainly let you know how we did. In the meantime, take a look at the world-wide summary CNC project on iNaturalist and marvel at the number of species, observers, and observations.

---Lynn Harper and Melanie Radik, co-organizers

הועלה ב-מאי 1, 2023 10:57 אחה"צ על ידי lynnharper lynnharper


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