Some Basic Reminders

The City Nature Challenge starts this Friday!

We thought this might be a good time to give you some quick reminders:

  • The CNC observation period runs for four days straight, April 28 – May 1, a total of 96 hours, followed by six days for uploading to iNaturalist and making identifications.
  • Make observations of wild organisms, not captive animals or cultivated plants.
  • One individual organism equals one observation on iNaturalist. You can take several photos of an organism for each observation, but different individuals get different observations.
  • Do feel free to make several observations of the same species at different places or on different days.
  • Remember to give an initial identification to each of your observations as they are uploaded to iNaturalist.
  • Do check your notifications on iNaturalist often during the observation and identification portions of the CNC, as other people help refine your initial identifications.
  • Check our April 14th journal post for a list of workshops and field trips, if you’d like some training or company in the field. We’d love to meet you!

As always, feel free to ask questions. Let’s hope for good weather!

---Lynn Harper and Melanie Radik, co-organizers

P.S.: Lay in a nice supply of snacks for your walks – naturalists always need more snacks than they think they do. And don’t forget to hydrate! wink

הועלה ב-אפריל 24, 2023 11:31 לפנה"צ על ידי lynnharper lynnharper


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