South section - 1/6/2023

Friday, 9:00-12:15 pm. 1 live newt, 115 dead newts.
Weather: cold, dry, after some good rainy week.
Coverage: Aldercroft Heights intersection to the first stop sign. I walked with Efren.
We saw an adult male newt that tried crossing the road, from the hill side to the reservoir and moved it to the other side.
Newts: I had 73 dead newts, 11 of them juveniles. 26 of the newts (5 Juveniles) were found on the reservoir side, and 47 (6 juveniles) on the hill side. Efren had 42 dead newts, 7 of them juveniles.
Other roadkills: slugs - banana slugs and others, centipede, Jerusalem cricket, large toad, and a large bullfrog.
Traffic: 43 cars, 3 truck, 1 motorcycles, 6 bikes, 3 pedestrians, 5 parked car.
We had 2 conversations with concerned neighbors, one of them told us they recently helped 11 newts cross the road <3
We also met @jim769 on the road, who came to see how we were doing. Great to see you, Jim!
My observations of the day -
Efren's observations -

@efrenibarreta - could you add the traffic data? --updated with traffic data

הועלה ב-ינואר 8, 2023 06:43 אחה"צ על ידי merav merav


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