Project Update over 250 observations!

Hi all,

Here is a quick update on the iNaturalist Mosquitoes in Hawaii Project!

1) We now have over 250 mosquito records in Hawaii. Thanks for all your efforts to get us this far!

2) I am very excited to report that the draft of our first two mosquito field guide plates by Rebecca Konte are almost finished. We will share these on the Mosquitoes in Hawaii site soon.

3) Note there is a lot of new cool functionality being put into the iNaturalist platform.

*Check out the following new ways of see a map of the data:

*A new way of inputting the data: a drag and drop web-based photo uploader for those of you who use a DSLR, Micro-4/3rds, point-and-shoot camera or have your smartphone observations on your computer:

*New ways of seeing and discussing the data, once you log in look at the following:

Your updates:
Your content:
Your real time discussions:

And for those who are still new to iNaturalist, a great visual introduction to the platform:

So don't forget to sign up for the project ( so you get an alert when we update the journal or when someone adds a record! Meanwhile, we need more mosquito identifiers, see the information in our guide and check out the large number of new observations.

Stay tuned!

All the best,


Durrell D. Kapan, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor
Center for Conservation and Research Training
University of Hawaii -- Manoa
Senior Research Fellow
Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
California Academy of Sciences

הועלה ב-יולי 26, 2016 01:43 לפנה"צ על ידי cydno cydno


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